Baidu will be the Default Search Engine for Edge in China for Windows 10
China is one untapped consumer space where everybody wants to get an entry, but as most of the things are censored, restricted and just don’t work, not even VPNs, its a difficult job for any company to get their presence strong. While Microsoft has a strong presence of Windows 10 there, getting Bing onboard is difficult.
In a recent update, a Microsoft representative shared that not only Microsoft and China are working together to get devices experience for Widnows 10 better, Baidu (With over 600 million active users) the search giant of China, has announced that it will be the default home page and search for Microsoft Edge Browser in Windows 10. They call it Windows 10 Express.
Its a new Window 10 channel, which will allow Chinese Internet users to download an Official 10 experience, powered by Baidu with will be offered as Universal Windows Applications for Search, Video, Cloud and Maps. It will also fine turned for delivering custom experience for local browsing. A Chinese version of Cortana is also being worked on, and it will be interesting to see how it comes out.Microsoft Windows 10 Mobile division is also working with Xiaomi to deliver the best experience.
That said, things are looking positive. However, its just the start. Microsoft will have to make a lot of effort, and put lot of resources to get into this market. Read more at Blogging Windows.