Best Twitter Apps for Windows 10 PC
While Twitter’s official app works for most, it may not have the best experience compared to third-party apps and solutions. So in this post, we are listing some of the best twitter apps for Windows 10 PC (both free and paid). If you think we can add something more, let us know in the comments.
Thanks to the 3rd party developers, we have few, but excellent alternatives for Windows 10 PC and Mobile. These apps easily beat the official one, both in terms of performance and features. Let’s have a look at them below.
1] Tweetium:
I have been using Tweetium on Windows 10 Mobile, and PC for a long time, and it puts the official app to shame. The UI is clean and has tons of options.
Good Bits:
- The app features a straightforward UI and has got a lot of sections in the home page itself like TIMELINE, CONNECT, MESSAGES, TRENDING, ME, FRIENDS, etc.
- Tons of customization options like the theme, color, background picture, and more.
- Live tile support for new mentions and DMs, and can cycle from your timeline.
- Interactive notifications.
- Giphy Integration. Just type giphy followed by some word while tweeting.
- It auto-plays GIFs and Videos.
Bad Bits:
- The over-sized icons can be a bit confusing, as it is not a common choice.
- Real-time notifications on mobile fail from time to time. Surprisingly, it works fine on PC.
The app costs $2.99 and comes with a free trial. Download
2] Fenice for Twitter:
Its my personal favorite because of the customizations the app offers. The app asks you to set your theme color, several tweets to show at startup, accent color, etc. when you add your twitter account for the first time.
Good Bits:
- The UI is pretty neat and clean. Both the dark and light theme looks good.
- The settings section is categorized & designed well. It goes along the lines of Windows 10 settings UI.
- Allows adjusting column width.
- In-built spell checker.
- Choose what you want to see on your timeline.
- Multiple Account support.
- DND at night, silent notifications, toast notification, and interactive notification support.
- Auto Plays Gif and video upload are also supported.
Bad bits:
- Messages are hit and miss case.
- Option to change header picture is not supported.
- Mobile version is still buggy.
It is available for $1.99 with a free trial. Download
3] Aeries
If you are looking for a twitter client which lets you configure a lot of things, Aeries is the way to go. When you launch it, it first lets you configure how it will look based on the screen resolution. Followed by this, you can decide your columns, fonts, size of the font, and more.
The best part of the app is that you can bookmarks tweet without using Twitter’s Like or Bookmark option. It makes sure that that it doesn’t deliver the impression that you’re endorsing that tweet.
4] TweetDeck
One of the most successful clients of its time, and is not a part of Twitter. If you dont like the interface of Twitter, and you need a column-based free client, then TweetDeck is what you need to use.
One of the best thing about TweetDeck is that you can schedule messages on it without paying anything. Since you can add multiple accounts, scheduling for each of them is possible.
5] Twitter Official App:
The official Twitter app has lot got a lot of problems, especially the mobile app, and that’s what made us search for the best alternative. However, we will still look at both good and bad things about the app.
Good Bits:
- It is fast (definitely faster than the Facebook app), and the UI is pretty clean.
- Lock Screen support which displays tweets from the people you follow.
- People hub integration.
- Supports Multiple Accounts.
Bad Bits:
- Many a time, the app shows an error message when posting a tweet, and it results in duplication.
- Fails to update lock screen from time to time.
- Live tile isn’t live at all.
- Doesn’t update the Message section automatically.
- Lacks features compared to its Android, iOS version, and also other 3rd party Windows Phone clients.
Now it’s time to decide which one you should buy/download. If you don’t want to spend over $2 for an app, then Fenice for twitter is the one you should be looking for, but if you need an app which is best in terms of everything, then Tweetium is the one you should go for.
Do Comment your favorite twitter client below!