You can Try Windows 10 S on your Existing Windows 10 Pro / Education Device with this Installer

If you always wanted to try the newly released Windows 10 S but was stuck because you don’t have a spare machine, Microsoft made this easy. As per the document released, all you need is to download the installer and test it right on top of Windows 10 Pro or Windows 10 Education device. However, Microsoft does not recommend installing Windows 10 S on Windows 10 Home devices as you won’t be able to activate it.

Why does Microsoft want you to try Windows 10 S on top of your installed Windows?

In simple words, its the easiest way to see if your machine can run it, and check compatibility with existing hardware, or at the very least, get to know if Windows 10 S is worth for someone who is asking for it. Since Windows 10 S doesn’t support WIN32, and some of the features are limited, this is a great way to let anybody try it.


Make sure to Prepare of Apocalypse

It’s worth mentioning that better get your Windows 10 PC data backed up. In theory, everything works, but then if you are trying it on your work PC, make sure to backup the PC using either third party tools or using the inbuilt system.

You will also need to update your Windows 10 to version 1703 aka Creators Update. Go to  Settings > Update & security > Windows Update. Microsoft recently announced a cumulative update that should fix almost everything. When you’re ready, you can download the Windows 10 S installer by clicking the

Next,  download the Windows 10 S installer by following the link ahead. Download installer

After you install Windows 10 S, the OS defaults to the English version. To change the UI and show the localized UI, go to Settings > Time & language > Region & language > in Languages select Add a language to add a new language or select an existing language and set it as the default.

Related:  Difference between Windows 10 S and Windows 10 Pro

Does it run on some Virtual Machine?

No. Technically it downgrades your Windows 10 Pro or Education to Windows 10 S. It actually lets you try it completely, but then you only have 10 days.

  • If you try Windows 10 S and decide to switch back to the previously installed edition within 10 days, you can go back to the previously installed edition using the Windows Recovery option in Settings. For more info, see Go back to your previous edition of Windows 10.

FAQ for Windows 10 S Test Program

Thank you for testing Windows 10 S. Your best experience will be running on a supported device as mentioned above. However, we invite you to try Windows 10 S on existing devices with an eligible operating system. If you are having difficulty installing or running Windows 10 S, use the Windows Feedback Hub to report your experience to Microsoft. This is the best way to help improve Windows 10 S with your feedback.

Common support questions for the Windows 10 S test program:

  • How do I activate if I don’t have a Windows 10 S product key?

    As stated above, devices running Windows 10 Pro, Windows 10 Pro Education, Windows 10 Education, or Windows 10 Enterprise can install and run Windows 10 S and it will automatically activate. Testing Windows 10 S on a device running Windows 10 Home is not recommended and supported at this time.

  • Will my OEM help me run Windows 10 S?

    OEMs typically only support their devices with the operating system that was pre-installed. See Supported devices for OEM devices that are best suited for testing Windows 10 S. When testing Windows 10 S, be ready to restore your own PC back to factory settings without assistance. Steps to return to your previous installation of Windows 10 are covered above.

  • What happens when I run Reset or Fresh Start on Windows 10 S?

    Reset or Fresh Start will operate correctly and keep you on Windows 10 S. They also remove the 10-day go back ability. See Switch to previously installed Windows 10 editions to return to your previous installation of Windows 10 if you wish to discontinue using Windows 10 S.

  • What if I want to move from Windows 10 S to Windows 10 Pro?

    If you want to discontinue using Windows 10 S, follow the instructions to return to your previous installation of Windows 10. If you already had Windows 10 Pro or Windows 10 Pro Education on the device you are testing on, you should be able to move to Windows 10 Pro or Windows 10 Pro Education at no charge with the instructions in this document. Otherwise, there may be a cost to acquire a Windows 10 Pro license in the Store.

For help with activation issues, click on the appropriate link below for support options.

  • For Volume Licensing Agreement or Shape the Future program customers, go to the Microsoft Commercial Support website and select the country/region in which you are seeking commercial support to contact our commercial support team.
  • If you do not have a Volume Licensing Agreement, go to the Microsoft Support website and choose a support option.
Ashish Mohta
A die-hard fan of Windows, PC Gaming, and Xbox. He is a seasoned content writer with over 15 years of experience in the industry. He is a specialist in writing about Windows, software reviews, troubleshooting Windows, and automation.


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