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How to Create and Restore using System Restore in Windows 11/10

System Restore is a critical feature in Windows, which is not turned in by default in Windows 11 and Windows 10, and most of the users don’t create it often. While you can enable System Restore in Windows, it is essential to understand that you can also create and restore using the System Restore feature. The feature allows you to go back to the working state of the PC in case it stops working.

What is System Restore?

Designed by Microsoft, System Restore is a tool to repair the OS. It is a snapshot of some of the internal system files and the Windows registry and saves them as Restore Points for further usage. It can be used to return a system to working condition without you having to reinstall Windows.

How to Enable System Restore in Windows 11/10

However, before creating a system restore point, it needs to be enabled from the settings first. Enabling it is an easy task and could be achieved in several ways by reading our detailed guide on how to enable System Restore in Windows 11/10

Create System Restore Point

How to Create System Restore in Windows 11/10

With System Restore now enabled, you are all set to create your first System Restore point in Windows PC. However, you can choose whether to create the point manually, set it to automatic, or even use third-party software from other companies.

  1. Manually Create System Restore Point
  2. One-Click Shortcut to create System Restore
  3. Automatically Create System Restore Point using Registry and Group Policy
  4. Create System Restore Automatically using Task Scheduler
  5. Quick Restore Maker

While you can follow any of the methods, make sure you create System restore every day.

1] Create System Restore Manually

  • In the Seach Box, type in Create System Restore and open the main listed result.
  • Under Protection Settings, Select your Main drive and click on Configure.
  • Choose the Turn on system protection option.
  • Tap on Apply, then click on the Create button. It will start creating a new System Restore point.

Once all the steps are followed, Windows will create a restore point while applying a new update or making system changes.

2] One-Click Shortcut to create System Restore

To make the manual process easy, one could create a shortcut for taking an instant system restore point creation, here’s how:

  1. On the Desktop, make a right-click and select New Shortcut
  2. In the Entry Box where the location is to be specified, Enter:
cmd.exe /k "wmic.exe /Namespace:\\root\default Path SystemRestore Call CreateRestorePoint "My Shortcut Restore Point", 100, 7"

3. Click Next, name the Shortcut as Instant System Restore and click Save.

Note: Whenever you run this Shortcut, it needs to be run with Administrator Privileges. This method will create a shortcut on the DesktopDesktop using which you will be able to make a system restore instantly.

2] Set System Restore to Make Backups Automatically

You can either use GP Editor or Registry method. Since Windows 11/10 Home users don’t have access to GP Editor, they can use the Registry method.

Local Group Policy Editor

Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\System Restore
  • In the right pane, double click on the Turn off System Restore policy to edit it.
  • From the menu that pops up, select the Enabled Radiobutton and click on Next and OK.

Registry Editor

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender
  • Make a right-click on the Windows Defender folder and select New then Key.
  • Name the Key as Scan and press Enter.
  • Now under Scan, in the pane next to navigation, make a right-click and select New then DWORD (32-bit)
  • Name the Key as DisableRestorePoint and change its value to 0

Once done, Windows will automatically create a checkpoint daily, which could be used for restoring the settings and data when needed.

3] Create System Restore Automatically using Task Scheduler

  • In the Start Search Menu, search for Task Scheduler and select the main listed result.
  • Under the Action Pane of the Task Scheduler, select Create New Task.
  • Under the General tab, assign a name for your task under the Create Task window and select the Run with highest privileges option.
  • Next, Under the Triggers tab, click on New.
  • In the New Trigger window, in Begin the task drop-down menu, select the option that best fits you; you can either schedule it daily at a particular time or set it up at startup and more, then click OK.
  • Now, under the Actions Menu, Click on New. In the new menu that pops up, make sure the “Start a program” option has been set to Action in the drop-down. In the Program/script Entry box, Enter the following:
  • In the Entry Box for Add arguments (optional), type the following arguments:
/Namespace:\\root\default Path SystemRestore Call CreateRestorePoint "Startup Restore Point", 100, 7
  • Once done, click on OK and save it. Windows will now ask you to enter your administrator credentials. Once entered correctly, you are good to go.

4] Using Quick Restore Maker

Usually, to create a System Restore Point, one needs to head over to the Control Panel, move into various menus, then find the option for creating one, which becomes a very tedious task. So if you do not want to perform these tasks frequently while creating a restore, you can use the Quick Restore Maker. All you need to do is download and run the portable tool and click on the Create Restore Point button. You can download it from here, and it’s entirely free to install.

How to Restore Your System to an Earlier Restore Point

  • In the Seach Box, type in Create System Restore and open the main listed result.
  • Under System Restore Menu, click on System Restore.
  • Select the Restore file that you would like to restore and click on Next in the new Dialog box that pops up.

It will take some time now and will restore your System as when the restore was created.

What Is Saved Into System Restore Point?

A System Restore point is a snapshot of the system’s configuration and settings stored in the Windows Registry that can be used to restore the system to a previous date when it was in perfect working order.

How Is It Different From Backup and Restore

While Backup and Restore save all your files and private information, a System Restore point saves a copy of Windows’s settings, registry files, and required data to run the computer smoothly. It helps in recovering back to a normal state when there’s something wrong with the computer.

How To Create a System Restore Point as Soon as I Log In?

A user has to activate System Restore, disable the restore point creation frequency option available, and use the Task Scheduler to automate the restore point procedure every time you log in to your computer.

I hope the post was helpful, and you were able to Create System Restore using System Restore on Windows 11/10. With that said, How often do you follow these processes on your PC? Do let us know in the comments section below.

A long-standing Windows fan, Photographer, and Tech Enthusiast who loves to write about Smartphones and Technology.



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