How to Defer, Pause or Delay Updates in Windows 11/10

With newer versions of Windows, Microsoft allows users to pause or defer updates for a limited time period of 35 days. While it isn’t recommended for one to defer or pause updates as updates bring security improvements and bug patches, which could be used to exploit the system, there are certain instances where one may want to pause the updates on Windows operating machine. This post will guide you on How to defer, delay, or pause updates in Windows 11/10.

How to Defer, Pause or Delay Updates in Windows 11/10

While Microsoft introduced the ability to defer updates a couple of versions back, it has now been pulled off, and users can only choose to pause updates up to 35 days at maximum.

  1. Using Settings
  2. Via Group Policy Editor
  3. Via Registry Editor

You will need admin permission to use these steps.

1] Defer, Pause, or Delay Using Settings

The settings panel in Windows is one of the easiest ways forward to manage anything on the computer, be it either changing the wallpaper or pausing updates. Here’s how you can pause updates using Settings.

Windows 11

Delay Windows Update Settings

  • Open Windows Settings using Win + I
  • Navigate to Windows Update
  • Under More options, next to Pause Updates click on the Dropdown
  • Select anything between one to five weeks

Windows 10

How to Defer, Pause or Delay Updates in Windows 11/10

  • Head over to the Settings Panel in Windows
  • Navigate to Update and Security > Windows Update >  Advanced Options
  • Scroll down and find the option stating Pause Updates.
  • From the drop-down mentioned below, pick a date till which you want the updates to be suspended.

Note: The updates can be paused until a maximum allowance of 35 days beginning from the start.

2] Defer, Pause, or Delay via Group Policy Editor

For users currently on an Enterprise or Pro version of Windows, the task of pausing updates could also be performed via the use of the Local Group Policy Editor. Here’s how to do so:

How to Defer, Pause or Delay Updates in Windows 11/10

  • Open the Group Policy Editor by typing gpedit.msc in the Run Dialog (Win + R), followed by clicking the Enter key on the keyboard.
  • Once opened, you’ll find two folders on the left of the screen, namely the Computer Configuration and User Configuration. Under the Computer Configuration, navigate and expand Administrative Templates.
  • Next up, Under Administrative Templates, expand Windows Components and select Windows Update. Now, next to the navigation pane, you’ll find a few folders and files listed.
  • Here, find and select Configure Automatic Updates. In the new dialog that pops up, check the Radio button from Disabled to Enabled to pause the updates. However, if you would like to re-enable it, follow the same process, and check the radio button from Enabled to Disabled.
  • Once done, click on Apply and OK.

3] Defer, Pause, or Delay via Registry Editor

There’s a provision to use the Registry Editor to pause updates in Windows. However, we do recommend you only trying this method if you know what you are getting into. Also, make sure to make a System Restore before you start making any changes in the Registry. Additionally, The Registry Editor comes with a sparse disadvantage over the Group Policy Editor as it requires changing the registry individually for every user.

  • Open Registry Editor by typing regedit.msc in the Run Prompt (Win + R) followed by pressing the Enter key.
  • On the left panel, you’ll find multiple folders. Navigate to


  • Next, right-click on Windows, choose New > Key, name it as WindowsUpdate, and press Enter.
  • With the newly created key, right-click choose New > Key, name the key AU, and press Enter.
  • Now we need to create a new DWORD under the AU key. To do so, right-click on the space right next to the navigation pane. From the drop-down, select New DWORD (32-bit) Value and name it as NoAutoUpdate.
  • Select and click on the newly created file, and change its value from 0 to 1.
  • Click on the OK button to apply the changes.
  • Restart your computer.

With that said, How long and why do you prefer to pause Windows updates? Do let us know by dropping a comment down below.