This Site (WPXBOX.COM) is not officially affiliated with MSFT or any of their products, especially with Windows and Xbox.

Xbox, Windows Live, Windows, and Windows Phone are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.

WPXBOX.COM is an independent publication and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Microsoft Corporation. service is provided “as on” basis. We try to keep the service and our servers alive as much as possible, but the service and servers occasionally go down and need maintenance. Since we are not backed by any Venture Capitalist or charge you in any way, we cannot guarantee the so-called 99.95% uptime.

But in any condition, we will try our best, and that’s all we can promise. will also not be responsible for any misinformation and damage(s) caused by the information. Whatever is already written or going to be could work in some cases and might not hold in others as they are a personal experience that worked in one case and shared for benefit as an example and hence might not hold in any other case.