Download Pocket Extension for Windows 10 Edge Browser
Edge Browser’s Pocket extension was actually available for a while now, and it’s not really something new. It’s, however, a new version that was recently released. It brings some new features to the table. To get the most out of it, we recommend you to check out the previous two articles we wrote about it and the Edge browser in general. After all, it’s a pretty good browser that has a lot of potentials.
For those who are new to Pocket, the extension makes it easier to save articles, videos, and more from your browser into the Pocket app. It also makes it easier to save articles from the Pocket app into your browser. The extension opens up a floating action button, which you can tap to save the current page. The extension will work with most modern browsers, including Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, and Opera.
- One-click saving of any page with the toolbar button or keyboard shortcut.
- Right-click the menu item to save any link. No need to load the page first.
- Quickly add tags.
- Syncs across all devices – Windows, iPhone, iPad, Android, and more.
- Completely free.
When you save the links, the service prepares for offline reading, so you don’t have to spend it. The app is available on various platforms and even works in conjunction with apps like Twitter, Flipboard, Pulse, and Zite.
I use Pocket Extension because it’s a simple, clean, and useful extension that provides a great service without adding any distractions or features I don’t need. I can save articles from your favorite sites, like Reddit, and my personal favorite.
Once downloaded, it will appear on your Edge browser. In case you don’t se it enabled, the best is to save your work, and re-open your browser. On the browser, click on the menu (…), and look for an extension. Next configure your account, and this is straight forward to use it.
The Pocket Extension for Edge will allow Microsoft Edge to act as a great go-to tool for sharing links, as well as a tool for saving articles to read later.