Dynamic Lock in Windows 10 will lock your PC when you are away

Windows 10 Build 15002 has an interesting feature–Dynamic Lock–which will automatically lock your PC, when you are not around. I think we have head about it before.

Yes, about 9 months ago, Microsoft had released an MSDN document “Windows Unlock with Windows Hello companion (IoT) devices” which in simple words said that OEMs can build devices that will lock, and unlock your device by sensing its presence. Its called as companion device.

Windows 10 Dynamic Lock

A companion device could be almost anything like a Smart Band, Phone or any hardware is around your PC, and is connected. Further ahead, when you are back, the feature will make sure that you input a PIN, before unlocking your PC. A security measure to make sure its you.  Here are some common scenarios:

  • Attach their companion device to PC via USB, touch the button on the companion device, and automatically unlock their PC.
  • Carry a phone in their pocket that is already paired with PC over Bluetooth. Upon hitting the spacebar on their PC, their phone receives a notification. Approve it and the PC simply unlocks.
  • Tap their companion device to an NFC reader to quickly unlock their PC.
  • Wear a fitness band that has already authenticated the wearer. Upon approaching PC, and by performing a special gesture (like clapping), the PC unlocks.

IMO, Dynamic Lock, is the same feature that has made its way into this build, except that there is no detail about how its going to work. I am hoping the next update to Windows 10 Mobile might just kick this feature in where a device can be locked if you are away with your phone.

Another way to implement this cross-platform is Cortana. it is available on Android, and Cortana, and those having a Windows PC, can make use of it as well.

The document has clear mentions of Windows Hello, and Dynamic Lock available in the same section does affirm it.