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Microsoft Edge Tips for Better Browsing on Windows 11/10

Microsoft Edge is one of the top browsers available out there. It offers you a fantastic browsing experience, and unlike Google Chrome, it doesn’t consume a lot of RAM. So if you are planning to use Microsoft Edge as your default browser, you might want to customize it to get the best browsing experience. To help you with that, we are here to share some of the best Microsoft Edge Tips for better browsing on Windows 11/10.

Microsoft Edge Tips for Better Browsing on Windows 11/10

Microsoft Edge Tips for Better Browsing on Windows

Here are some cool features and tips that will improve your browsing experience with Edge:

  1. Switch between homepage layouts in Edge
  2. Personalize news in Edge
  3. Save news to read later
  4. Annotate and sign PDFs in Edge
  5. Turn Websites into an app in Edge
  6. Filter all downloads by file type

1] Switch Between Homepage Layouts in Edge

If you look at the default homepage of Microsoft edge, it is pretty crowded. There are many services like news, weather, stock updates, and more.

These widgets are useless to most users. So if you want to get a smooth browsing experience, you might want to change the homepage layouts.

To do so, follow the below steps:

  • Launch Microsoft Edge browser and click on the gear icon from the top-right corner.

  • Now you will get to see different options under page layout. Select your preferred one to switch between homepage layouts.

  • Also, you can click on Custom to create a custom layout. The custom option will offer you a few options, such as enabling/disabling recent bing searches, show greeting, background, and more.

2] Personalize News in Edge

As you already know, Microsoft Edge displays news on the homepage. However, not all the news that Microsoft edge displays might not interest you. Instead, you can personalize it to see news that you wish to see. To do this, follow the below steps:

  • Click on the Personalize button from the bottom menu.
  • Now select your interests, and Microsoft News will display you news related to that only.

3] Save News To Read Later

Microsoft Edge has a Save for later feature. You can use this feature to save news that you can read later. To use this feature, follow the below steps:

  • On the homepage of Microsoft Edge, if you find news content interesting or want to read it later. Then tap on the three dots icon and select Save for later.

  • To read the saved news, you have to click on Personalize > Saved Stories.

4] Annotate And Sign PDFs in Edge

Reading PDFs using web browsers is not a new thing. Almost all browsers these days support PDF.

But with Microsoft Edge, you enjoy some extra features as it allows you to annotate and draw on PDFs. As a result, you can sign a PDF using its draw feature.

To use this feature, you have to follow the below steps:

  • At first, Open a PDF in Edge.
  • Next, you will find different options on the toolbar. Use them to draw or annotate on your PDF file.

5] Turn Websites Into An App in Edge

If you are a frequent user of a website, you can save the website as an app using Edge. As a result, you will be able to use the website without the internet.

This feature works by downloading the webpage and keeping its cached copy running offline. So you can access the website without the internet.

To use this feature, follow these steps:

  • First, open the website that you want to save as an app.
  • Then click on the three dots icon from the top-right corner.
  • Go to Apps > Install this site as an app.

  • Finally, click on the install button.
  • Once installed, you can launch the app from Windows Start Menu.

6] Filter All The Downloads By File Type

With Edge browser, you can also filter all downloads by file type. This feature comes in handy when looking for a specific file.

To use this feature, follow the below steps:

  • Go to Edge’s address bar, type down edge://downloads, and press enter to open Downloads.
  • Now click on the sidebar options to filter your downloaded files. For instance, if you click on PDF, it will display all the downloaded PDF files.

Is it worth switching to Edge?

It would be best if you gave a try to Microsoft Edge. It comes with unique features and better privacy settings than competitor browsers like Chrome. For instance, you can configure Edge to block trackers from sites you visit and so on.

Is Edge more secure than Chrome?

Yes, Microsoft Edge is more secure than Google Chrome. It comes with powerful built-in defense tools protecting against phishing and malware. Also, it supports hardware isolation on Windows 10 and 11. Plus, you get better privacy settings.

How do I fix slow Microsoft Edge?

You can try different hacks to fix the slow Microsoft Edge issue. The recommended ways are clearing cache, balanced privacy approach, repairing edge browser, disabling edge extensions, reinstalling edge browser, and many more.

Overall, Microsoft Edge is full of new and unique features, making it far better than most web browsers. Now go ahead and check these Edge tips and see if you find them useful. Also, for any other questions, drop a comment below.

Nayan is a crypto and gadget enthusiast who likes to cover topics related to Tech, Startups, Crypto, Gaming, Windows, and other interesting areas. But when he is not working, you can find him playing games or watch random videos on YouTube.



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