How to Enable and Use Split Screen Mode in Microsoft Edge (Open Tabs Side-By-Side)

Do you know about the hidden split screen mode of the Microsoft Edge web browser? If not, you are landed at the right place! This post will share how to enable and use Split Screen mode in Microsoft Edge. The Edge side-by-side mode is a newly introduced feature that allows users to access two websites within a single tab simultaneously.

How to Enable Split Screen Mode in Microsoft Edge (Open Tabs Side-By-Side)

  • Open the Microsft Edge browser, and type edge://flags/#edge-split-screen in the address bar.
  • Now press the Enter key to directly open the Microsoft Edge Split Screen settings option, where you should enable the option.Microsoft Edged Split Screen Flag
  • Now, click the Restart option in the bottom-right corner. It will reopen the Edge browser with the split screen enabled feature.

Now the question is how to use the split screen feature in Microsoft Edge. Let’s understand it in detail.

 Split Screen Mode in Microsoft Edge

How to Use Split Screen in Microsoft Edge?

After enabling the split screen feature in the Edge browser, it’s time to test how it works! Here we have provided different ways to open websites in split screen view in Edge.

  1. Open Link in Split windows
  2. Choose a Tab to Add to the Split window
  3. Adjust Size in Edge Split window mode
  4. Quickly Open a New Tab from the Split window
  5. Configure Open Link Behaviour
  6. Disable or Close Split Screen Mode

Each of these settings is unique. So make sure to go through each of them.

1] Open Link in Split windows

To open two screens side-by-side under one tab of the same website, open a webpage, right-click on that link, and select Open link in the split window.Open Link in Split Windows

This will split the screen instantly under the same tab and open the link in the right-side split-screen window. Now users can easily access links side-by-side without jumping through different tabs.

3] Choose a Tab to Add to the Split window

If you already have opened websites or links in separate tabs and want them as split screens, then click the Split window button in the toolbar menu, which is present next to the address bar. Now you can effortlessly choose the tab as per your requirement to access on the right side, and it will open there easily.

Choose a Tab to Add to the Split window

3] Adjust Size in Edge Split window mode

This split screen mode’s best and most exciting part is that you can easily adjust the size. You can change the screen size by dragging the slider to the left or right.

Adjust Size in Edge Split window mode

4] Quickly Open a New Tab from the Split window

If you don’t want to use the split screen tab feature, you can quickly move from the current split screen to a new one. You must click the three dots button and select Open screen in a new tab. To open pages with separate tabs, click on view split screen pages in two tabs.

Quickly Open a New Tab from the Split window

5] Configure Open Link Behaviour

Similar to how we sometimes open a link in a new tab, split screen mode allows you to configure open link behavior in two ways. The first is where the links open in the current window, and the second is to open the link from left to right tab.

Configure Open Link Behaviour

So the split window on the left acts as the primary window, while the right one allows you to open links. It is beneficial when you need to keep the primary tab always open.

Also, the address bar applies to the tab on the right. If you type a new website address, it will open in the right tab. It would be best if you changed the link behavior to change the website on the left. You can also drag and drop links from one window to another.

Do note that even in split mode, the Edge browser tracks the history of the visited pages.

6] Disable or Close Split Screen Mode

Click the Split window button from the toolbar to disable split screen mode in Edge. The same happens when you close any one of the tabs.

Disable or Close Split Screen Mode

Related Reading: How to Split Screen in Windows


If you are still following this post, then you must have understood the feature of the Split screen mode of Microsoft Edge and how productive it can be. With split screen mode, you can view two web pages side by side, which can be helpful when comparing information from two different sites or referring to one page while reading or working on another.