How exactly Windows 10 Fall Creators Update Lets you Continue Browsing Sessions from your Android or iPhone
The next major update for Windows 10, The Fall Creators Update, will include one of the most awaited features– Option to Connect your Android Phone to Windows 10 PC, such that it will be useful. Microsoft today has rolled out Windows 10 Insiders Update version 16251 (RS3 Release) which includes this feature.
It’s been over 2 years Microsoft has made a huge push of their apps, and services on Android and iPhone Domain, and it only made sense to have a connected feature for mobile devices with Windows 10 PC. Surprisingly, Microsoft never pushed much on Windows 10 Mobile and PC connectivity, except for Continuum which now supports Portrait mode in the recent insider’s update.
How the Cross-Device Web-Browsing Works?
Windows 10 Fall Creators Update has a dedicated setting as “Phone”. Once you connect or Link your Phone with your Windows 10 PC, you will need to install “Microsoft Apps” on your Android Phone. This app acts as a bridge between the devices. You can download it directly by following this link, even before connecting it on your phone.
Now let me clarify few things here. This feature doesn’t bring your phone to your PC, and let you do exactly all the things you had been doing on your Phone here. Here is what you should do to better understand. Install the Microsoft Apps on your Android Phone without connecting to your PC. The app suggests you install the Microsoft Apps on your phone. It also has a suggestion about other apps including the Arrow Launcher.
Windows Insiders have a special section. Once you launch it, it will give you a toured guide. The app adds a new option in your “Share” setting as “Continue on PC”. Once connected you can instantly start to continue on your PC or do it later. When you choose to continue right away, it will open that same link on the PC you have connected to. Else it will sit in the action center, waiting for you to start.
Is Microsoft is slowly invading the Android / iPhone Segment?
It depends on how you see it. Microsoft has finally realized that the regular Mobile segment is not going to work well, and they can only make its Windows 10 experience better, and develop a new mobile experience. This also means that they cannot ignore the fact and that most of the Windows users are actually using and Android or an iPhone, and it only makes sense for them to offer those consumer a unique experience to keep them hooked to Windows 10.
Looking at Microsoft Apps, I won’t be surprised that slowly, and steadily Microsoft will offer even deeper integration between Microsoft Apps on Android and PC. Browsing is a global thing, but Microsoft can rather should, include this feature for all their apps to let consumers start from where they had left.
A dream which was lost in Windows 10 Mobile “Trying” to make it a success.
Other Features in Windows 10 Insiders Update
Apart from this, Microsoft has rolled out more updates for the PC. Here is the list
- Cortana can show you results without opening or launching the web browser. For some questions, the Cortana pane will expand automatically, quickly showing you exactly what you need to know. It works with movies, celebrities, stock prices, weather, flight status – you name it! If Cortana doesn’t have a quick answer for your query, the pane won’t automatically expand.
- Use Cortana voice commands to lock, sign-out shut down, or turn off your PC.
- You will have to confirm back using Voice Commands.
- Windows 10 can remember your credentials for seamless upgrades i.e. it doesn’t wait for you to login to complete the setup process. This feature is extended to regular reboots and shutdowns.