First Screenshots of Kreyos Smartwatch App for Windows Phone

Kreyos was one of the first smart watches to announce support for Windows Phone and we have the first look at the screenshot of the app. It’s still in development but getting some final touches to crush some bugs. The app has been tested on Nokia Lumia. Here are they for you to get some confidence.

Kreyos Loginx`

These two screen shows the login option which also includes Facebook Account login as well. Mostly your data will be stored in cloud. The screen next to it shows the settings which includes option to sync Date and time, setup silent alarms i.e. wake up by vibration. You will also be able to update firmware ( not sure how this will work) and the Bluetooth option should be over 4.0.

Kreyos Acitivity

The next screen shows the activity stats on daily basis in terms of steps, calories burnt and distance walked. You should also notice that support for difference activity is also present.

While these are only few screens from the full app, I am eager to see what surprise the app holds for us. Windows Phone users have a very little chance of getting support from other smartwatches but hope to see this changed as it grows.