Google+ App comes to Windows Phone

Looks like finally Google has started understanding the Windows Phone will be one of the top Mobile Phones in coming years and since they are very serious about Google Plus, an embedded version of Google Plus App is available in the Market Place

Google Plus App for Windows Phone

On their App listing, Google Says they are working on a proper app for Google Plus but in the mean time this can become a good alternative. The links open in IE and it supports Mango which is a good start.

I am not sure why Google Plus Embedded version was hurried, may be they are trying to get a feel how many are interested or probably gather an early feedback so the official app can be done nicely.

So as of now you can :

  • Read all your stream i.e. Updates from circles.
  • Create new post and update.
  • You also have notification System in place.

Since this is an official app from Google, You can trust and use your account here. However One Bug which i already see in place is if you fail to login, you don’t get to see the login screen unless you reboot the phone. The app gets stuck with blank white screen.

Via WP7 Connect