How to Add Volume Control in Taskbar in Windows (Software)

Volume control can be a helpful feature. It allows you to control sound for different applications on your PC. However, Windows has an essential volume control that only increases/decreases the overall sound of the PC. In this post, we will share how you can add volume control in the taskbar on Windows PC.

How to Add Volume Control in Taskbar in Windows (Software)

How to Add Volume Control in Taskbar in Windows?

If you want more control over the sound, there is a Volume Mixer. But the feature is buried deep into the PC. Of course, you can launch Volume mixer by right-clicking on the volume icon and then selecting Volume Mixer. But only if the option was available to the taskbar itself. Luckily, some third-party apps give you easy access to volume control.

Windows don’t offer any solution to add an extended volume control version to the taskbar. So instead, here are a few softwares that might come in handy:

  1. EarTrumpet
  2. Volume Control for Windows
  3. Mixr – Modern Volume Control

So let’s talk about these apps in brief below:

1] EarTrumpet

How to Add Volume Control in Taskbar in Windows (Software)

EarTrumpet claims to be a powerful volume control app for Windows, and it indeed backs its claims. It allows you to control classic and modern app volumes. Plus, the app is entirely free to download and use.


  • It lets you control the default audio device with two clicks.
  • It comes with a modern look that goes with the look and feel of Windows 11 and 10.
  • EarTrumpet supports moving apps between playback devices
  • It can be used to control both classic and modern app volumes.


  • Easy to use, requires no installation.
  • You can adjust the volume across apps with two clicks.
  • Comes with a modern look.
  • Zero ads.


  • Doesn’t have many features.
  • No advanced audio control settings.

Download from Microsoft Store

2] Volume Control for Windows

Volume Control for Windows

Volume Control for Windows is another excellent app that lets you control volume across apps. It comes with a volume panel with an array of customization options. Plus, it is free to download and use.


  • It offers you an enhanced replacement of the system volume panel.
  • It comes with multiple customization options.
  • You can find all the system volume controls in one place.
  • It lets you force-amplify your audio.


  • Extremely easy to use.
  • You can see the volume level for each tab separately.
  • Launches from the taskbar.
  • Zero ads.


  • Some users reported that the software was glitchy.

Download from Microsoft Store

3] Mixr – Modern Volume Control

Mixr Modern Volume Control

The next app that you can use is Mixr. It is a premium app available on the Microsoft Store. The best part of the app is it is super simple to easy and offers an elegant volume control app for your PC.

With this app, you can individually control different sound apps and mute each with just a click. Plus, it comes with a persistent tray icon and features multiple themes such as lite, dark, etc.


  • Supports easy customizations.
  • Comes with different themes such as dark, light, and others.
  • Let you control volume using a slider.


  • The premium features are not so lucrative.

Download from Microsoft Store


Those were a few apps that let you add volume control in the taskbar in Windows. Some apps might get installed into the system tray. So when that happens, you can always drag the app icon to the taskbar to use it seamlessly.