How to Change Screen Saver Background in Windows 11/10

One of the best features that Windows offers is customization. If one does recall, screen savers were previously used to protect your cathode ray tube (CRT) monitors upon burn-in when forced to show the same image for an extended time. While one may not have those old CRT displays, having a screen saver could be fun and make it interesting. It is still possible for one to configure and setup screen savers in Windows 11/10. In this post, I will guide you on changing the screen saver background in Windows and list a couple of free third-party screensaver background applications.

How to Change Screen Saver Background in Windows 11/10

How to Change Screen Saver Background in Windows 11/10

Not just turning on screen saver in Windows 11/10 would make the experience better, but also having some good screen saver background would help. Here’s how to change the screen saver background in Windows:

  1. Via Settings
  2. Third-Party Applications

1] Change Screen Saver Background using Settings

Change Screen Saver Background using Settings

With Windows 11/10, Microsoft has buried the option of changing the screen saver background deep into the settings. Here’s where to find the options:

  • Open the Settings Panel in Windows 11/10 (Win+ I)
  • Navigate to Personalization > Lock screen
  • Scroll down and find Screen Saver Settings
  • In the new Screen Saver settings window that pops up, choose a screen saver from the drop-down list listing multiple options such as 3D Text and more.
  • Next, Depending on the screen saver you choose to apply, click on the Settings button, and customize the options.
  • Just below the drop-down, one would find the Wait options; this could turn on the screen saver after the PC is inactive for ‘x’ particular minutes.
  • Once done, choose the Apply and the OK button.

With Windows 11/10, Microsoft made a couple of changes regarding screen savers, one of the biggest ones being: Power Options do not work without having the screen saver turned on. As reported by many users, Power Plans do not come into effect without setting the Screen Saver to ‘Blank’ or having any other option enabled.

2] Third Party Screen Saver Applications for Windows 11/10

Finding good adware or malware-free screen saver application for Windows could be complicated; here’s a compiled list of a few of the best screen saver applications we have tried.

  • Fliqlo

Fliqlo screen saver

For users who prefer minimalism, Fliqlo is the best screensaver option. A notably simple clock screensaver illustrates a flip clock on your desktop. It displays the time with flip animation in large white numerals against a black background. Thanks to its visibility, one can even read the time even from a distance.

Download: Fliqlo

  • Aerial

Aerial Screen saver

A port of a series of videos used by Apple TV, Aerial offers an excellent collection of screen savers for Windows. It’s called Aerial and features some breathtaking elevated shots from movies over New York, San Francisco, China, etc.

Download: Aerial

  • League Displays

League Displays screen saver

For gamers, Riot Games has made an app called League Displays that lets users download and use cool screensaver backgrounds showcasing the game. The app also allows users to choose what artwork, images, and more.

Download: League Displays

  • Modern Glance

Modern Glance screen saver

Available on the Microsoft Store, Modern Glance is one of the most advanced and one of the latest screensaver background applications on our list. The application features the original Lumia Glance background screen, which Microsoft first used on its Lumia smartphones back in time.

Download: ModernGlance

With that said, which is your favorite screen saver background? Do let us know by dropping a comment down below.