How to Disable and Remove Tab Groups Feature in Microsoft Edge
When you’re surfing on the web, you may have a lot of tabs open at once. Things can get complicated with so many tabs open at once, thus making it difficult to keep track of what’s happening. It might be tough to keep organized when you have hundreds of tabs open; This is where Tab Groups from Microsoft Edge step in. It allows users to create groups of open tabs to help them manage their pages more effectively. However, if you do not prefer using Tab Groups, luckily, you can disable it. This post will guide you on disabling or removing the tab groups feature from Microsoft Edge.
Before disabling, try the feature by right-clicking on any open tab in Microsoft Edge and selecting Add tab to group from the context menu. If this is your first time establishing a group, you may give it a name, choose a background color, and modify it to your liking.
How to Disable and Remove Tab Groups Feature in Microsoft Edge
The option to disable or delete tab groups is not accessible directly in Microsoft Edge v93.0.961.38, and users must resort to experimental flags to complete the operation. Here’s how you can do so. Also, the procedure for deactivating tab groups in Chrome is pretty much the same.
- Open the Microsoft Edge browser on your computer by searching for the same in the Start Search Box and choosing the Best Match.
- Next, key in edge://flags/ in the address bar at the top and press Enter on your keyboard to proceed.
- Search for Tab Groups in the Search Flags search box on the next screen.
- Find the option for Tab Groups, and choose Disabled from the dropdown next to the text.
- Finally, restart your computer for the changes to come into effect.
If you’d like to switch back, you can always find the same option and turn it back to Enabled. That said, why do you prefer keeping tab groups disabled in Edge? Do let us know by dropping a comment down below.
Do you also want to disable the Alt + Tab in Microsoft Edge? Follow the linked guide.
What Do Tab Groups in Edge Do?
Tab grouping makes it simple to discover and switch between many tabs. If you have an excessive number of tabs open on your computer and use Microsoft Edge, you’ll probably love this feature.
How To Disable Automatic Tab Grouping in Microsoft Edge?
If you like the tab grouping function but don’t like how Edge groups your tabs incorrectly, there may be a solution for you. Here’s how you can disable automatic grouping in Edge.
Open Microsoft Edge > navigate to edge://flags/ > search for Tab Groups Auto Create > change the option to Disabled.
Is There a Way to Group Tabs in Edge?
Like Chrome and a couple of other browsers, Edge offers a way to group tabs. Users can choose between automatic or manual grouping. Here’s how to enable tab grouping in Edge.
Open Microsoft Edge > navigate to edge://flags/ > search for Tab Groups > change the option to Enabled.
How Do I Ungroup Tabs in a Tab Group in Microsoft Edge?
The process of ungrouping tabs is quite simple: right-click on the Group Indicator (the tab group name) and choose Ungroup from the dropdown.