How to Disable New Application Installed Notification in Windows 11/10

In Windows, when you install a new app, a notification shows up every time there are new apps that can open this type of file. This notification shows up to help you set the new installed as the default app to open that particular type of file. Now, if you don’t like a reminder to show up all the time, there is a quick way to disable You have new apps that can open this type of file notifications. Here is how to disable New Application Installed Notification in Windows 11/10.

Disable New Application Installed Notification

Note: If you are looking for notification software for PC, then it’s best to check with the Phone Link app from Microsoft. You can also control the notification from apps using DND or Focus mode.

How to Disable “New Application Installed” Notification in Windows 11/10

To be honest, this is not a new feature in Windows 11/10. If you have used Windows 8, it was the same there. Though if you upgraded to Windows 11 or Windows 10, you will find it new.

1] Group Policy Editor

Here are the steps to disable app installation notifications on Windows PC:

  • Type gpedit.msc in the run prompt and hit enter. It will launch the Group Policy Editor. You will need admin privilege for this.
  • Next, navigate to Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > File Explorer.Disable New Application Installed Notification in Windows 10
  • Now look for a setting that says “Do not show the new application installed notification.”
  • Double-click and select enabled.
  • Save and quit.

This policy removes the end-user notification for the new application installed. Remember, this shows up only when you have file types or protocols, which is common between apps and not for all the new apps you install.

How do you open a file type in a different application? It’s an old trick, but let’s have a reminder. Hold Shift and right-click on any file, and you will have a new context menu option that says “Open With”. You can use this to open files temporarily in that app or select it to be the default.

2] Disable via Registry

You can also choose to disable it via Registry, but be careful when editing and make sure to create a restore point.

  • Type Regedit in the Run prompt, and hit enter to open the registry editor.
  • Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer
  • Right-click on the right pane and create a new DWORD(32-bit) and name it as NoNewAppAlert.
  • Double-click to edit its value and set it to  1.
  • Exit and restart the computer.

Registry Hack to disable notfication


Sending out an alert for everything is annoying. It is best not only to control the alter for new app notifications but also to use DND or Focus mod in general. If you keep getting the prompt, return to the settings and disable it. It is possible Windows may have changed those settings during an update.

I hope these steps were easy to understand. Make sure to follow them properly and do it correctly to disable the new app notification in Windows 11/10.