How to Downgrade or Rollback Windows 11 to Windows 10

Whether it’s for your smartphone or PC, early releases of operating systems often have their flaws and issues, and Windows 11 is no different. There are options to revert your device to Windows 10 if you’re unsatisfied with your Windows 11 experience so far. It’s easier if you do this within a few days of installing the update, but you may do it later if you choose. This article will show you how to downgrade a PC from Windows 11 to Windows 10.

How to Downgrade or Rollback Windows 11 to Windows 10

Downgrade or Rollback Windows 11 to Windows 10

These are the two ways to downgrade to Windows 10.

  1. Roll Back to Windows 10
  2. Reinstall Windows 10

While the first is seamless as it preserves data, the second will clean install Windows.

1] Roll Back to Windows 10

You could roll back to your prior Windows 10 installation if you updated to Windows 11 within the last ten days. Since Windows only maintains your old operating system files for ten days, this option is only accessible for ten days. Windows delete them from your internal disc after ten days to clear up space. Here’s how you can roll back to Windows 10.

Go Back Recovery Options Settings

  • Start by opening the Settings application. You could do so by pressing the Win + I shortcut or choosing the same from the Start menu.
  • Next, navigate to Settings > System > Recovery. Here, tap on the Go Back button present under Recovery Options.
  • Now, Windows will ask you the reason behind your decision to downgrade. Choose the one you prefer and tap on Next.
  • Finally, tap on Go back to earlier build on the next screen to begin the process.

2] Reinstall Windows 10

If you find that the Go Back button in Settings is disabled and the time limit has passed, you’ll be required to make a fresh new installation of Windows on your computer. You’ll get a brand-new Windows installation and need to reinstall all of your software and the drivers. You could approach this in multiple ways.

You have two options. Either download the ISO, make a bootable disk, and install Windows, or you could follow the method mentioned below and use the Media Creation Tool to downgrade your computer. Here’s how to do so.

  • Begin by heading over to Microsoft’s Windows 10 Media Creation Tool download page and clicking on the Download tool now button.
  • Next, open the downloaded tool and tap on Accept to agree with the terms and conditions.
  • You’ll be prompted with two options, to either install the update on this PC or create an installation media (can be used to install Windows 10 on other computers).
  • Choose Upgrade this PC now, and select Next. The tool will now begin downloading the necessary files and preparing for the installation.
  • Once it is ready, select Next and Nothing from choosing what you’d like to keep on the menu.
  • Finally, click on the Install button to start the installation process.

Note that you will be required to make a clean install for this to work, which will result in you losing all your files and data. Make sure to take a backup before downgrading.

Once Downgraded, Can I Update Back to Windows 11?

Yes, if you’ve downgraded or plan to downgrade to Windows 10, you may upgrade back to Windows 11. You can upgrade by going to Settings > Windows Update and then clicking on the Update button. You will be prompted that Windows 11 is available, and you can then install it.

How to Enable Go Back Button in Windows Update?

You can do it using Windows Terminal and DISM command.

  • Open Power Menu (WIn + X) and select Windows Terminal (Admin)
  • Type DISM /Online /Get-OSUninstallWindow  and the Enter key
  • If the result is no value found, then type DISM /Online /Get-OSUninstallWindow 60 and press the Enter key
  • It will extend the roll-back time to 60 days.

Can I Downgrade from Windows 11 to Windows 10 without Losing My Data?

Yes, but not all of the time. If you installed Windows 11 less than ten days ago, you might use the Go Back option in Recovery Settings to revert to Windows 10 without losing your data.

If that option is not available anymore, even after using the above solution, it’s best to take a backup and then reinstall Windows 10.

I hope the post was easy to follow, and you were able to roll back to Windows 10 from Windows 11.