How to Download Outlook Attachments from Multiple Emails to a Local Folder

Downloading attachments from a single email is easy. Most clients offer a way to download the files in a ZIP format. But it is hard when it comes to extracting or downloading Outlook attachments from multiple emails. Since the feature is not offered upfront by any of the online or offline clients, we will have to find scripts and tools to do it.

How to Download Attachments From Multiple Emails in Outlook

You can follow any of these methods to download the attachments. One will need VB Script, so make sure you have enough permission with your account.

  1. NirSoft OutlookAttachView
  2. Custom VB Script

Every tool has its advantages and disadvantages. Ensure you know about them before selecting which one to use.

Download Attachments From Multiple Emails in Outlook

1] NirSoft OutlookAttachView

If you use the Microsoft Office version of Outlook to obtain your emails, you could use a free software called OutlookAttachView to download all of your attachments. It has worked on all types of Outlook since 2003, even though Outlook explicit isn’t supported.

To start, download the software (get the sixty-four-bit model if you use 64-bit Outlook), extract the ZIP, and open OutlookAttachView.exe.

mailbox scan options Nirsoft

It will open the Mailbox scan options. You can customize precisely which attachments you need to scan. Among others, the options consist of:

  • Which Outlook profile to scan
  • Scan messages created in the last X days
  • Exclude particular document sorts
  • Scan messages from specific people
  • Scan attachments containing certain textual content

Follow the below-mentioned steps to extract the attachments:

  • After installing the software, leave everything default if you genuinely want every attachment in your inbox to get saved. Set up the software. When prepared to begin the scan, click ok.
  • The scan works quickly; however, it obviously will take longer if you’ve been given a massive archive of emails. Sadly, there is no development bar at the scan, so that you can’t tell how a long way through it’s far—so that you’re higher off leaving it going for walks within the background and returning later to see if it is finished.
  • As soon as the scan has finished, you can view and browse all the attachments, with columns showing records like Filename, file length, and Extension.
  • To select particular attachments, hold Ctrl and left-click every row in turn. As an alternative, press Ctrl + A to highlight(select)all attachments.
  • Then click on the file menu and click on Copy selected Attachments To (press F4). You may specify where to export the attachments and format the document names. When ready, click on ok.
  • It’ll download or save all the selected attachments to the folder you targeted.

They may not be eliminated from your emails, though, so you’ll nevertheless be able to get entry to them via Outlook if you wish to.

2] Using VB Script

This segment showcases a VBA code in a step-by-step manual to help you save all attachments from various emails to a selected folder at once.

  • First off, you need to create a folder for saving the attachments in the local storage drive.  Use File Explorer and a known location to create a folder and name it as Attachments.
  • Select the emails from which you want the attachments to be downloadedand then press the Alt + F11 keys to open the Microsoft Visual Basic programs window. vba-code-outlook-download-attachment
  • Click Insert > Module to open the Module window, replica one of the following VBA code into the window.
  • Press F5 or use the menu to run the code, and all the attachments from the selected email will be downloaded or copied into the Attachments folder.

VBA Code

Dim GCount As Integer
Dim GFilepath As String
Public Sub SaveAttachments()
'Update 20200821
Dim xMailItem As Outlook.MailItem
Dim xAttachments As Outlook.Attachments
Dim xSelection As Outlook.Selection
Dim i As Long
Dim xAttCount As Long
Dim xFilePath As String, xFolderPath As String, xSaveFiles As String
On Error Resume Next
xFolderPath = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SpecialFolders(16)
Set xSelection = Outlook.Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection
xFolderPath = xFolderPath & "\Attachments\"
If VBA.Dir(xFolderPath, vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then
VBA.MkDir xFolderPath
End If
GFilepath = ""
For Each xMailItem In xSelection
Set xAttachments = xMailItem.Attachments
xAttCount = xAttachments.Count
xSaveFiles = ""
If xAttCount > 0 Then
For i = xAttCount To 1 Step -1
GCount = 0
xFilePath = xFolderPath & xAttachments.Item(i).FileName
GFilepath = xFilePath
xFilePath = FileRename(xFilePath)
If IsEmbeddedAttachment(xAttachments.Item(i)) = False Then
xAttachments.Item(i).SaveAsFile xFilePath
If xMailItem.BodyFormat <> olFormatHTML Then
xSaveFiles = xSaveFiles & vbCrLf & "<Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.>"
xSaveFiles = xSaveFiles & "<br>" & "<a href='file://" & xFilePath & "'>" & xFilePath & "</a>"
End If
End If
Next i
If xSaveFiles <> "" Then
If xMailItem.BodyFormat <> olFormatHTML Then
xMailItem.Body = vbCrLf & "The file(s) were saved to " & xSaveFiles & vbCrLf & xMailItem.Body
xMailItem.HTMLBody = "<p>" & "The file(s) were saved to " & xSaveFiles & "</p>" & xMailItem.HTMLBody
End If
End If
End If
Set xAttachments = Nothing
Set xMailItem = Nothing
Set xSelection = Nothing
End Sub

Function FileRename(FilePath As String) As String
Dim xPath As String
Dim xFso As FileSystemObject
On Error Resume Next
Set xFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
xPath = FilePath
FileRename = xPath
If xFso.FileExists(xPath) Then
GCount = GCount + 1
xPath = xFso.GetParentFolderName(GFilepath) & "\" & xFso.GetBaseName(GFilepath) & " " & GCount & "." + xFso.GetExtensionName(GFilepath)
FileRename = FileRename(xPath)
End If
xFso = Nothing
End Function

Function IsEmbeddedAttachment(Attach As Attachment)
Dim xItem As MailItem
Dim xCid As String
Dim xID As String
Dim xHtml As String
On Error Resume Next
IsEmbeddedAttachment = False
Set xItem = Attach.Parent
If xItem.BodyFormat <> olFormatHTML Then Exit Function
xCid = ""
xCid = Attach.PropertyAccessor.GetProperty("")
If xCid <> "" Then
xHtml = xItem.HTMLBody
xID = "cid:" & xCid
If InStr(xHtml, xID) > 0 Then
IsEmbeddedAttachment = True
End If
End If
End Function

You can also copy the code from here and paste it.

How to Download Attachments From Multiple Emails in Gmail

The free Save Emails and Attachments add-on from SendPulse for Gmail will export your attachments to Google. What makes it stand out is that it’ll robotically run to search for new attachments, which means you in no way ought to think about manually performing the method ever. It works properly for a one-off export if this is all you want.

Note: The service will have access to your Gmail account, so make an informed choice if you want to connect.

Follow the steps to use this tool

  • Head to the add-on web page and click Install
  • Select a Google account and click allow, and then complete.
  • Visit Google Sheets and create a new spreadsheet.
  • Visit Add-ons > Store Emails and Attachments > Open Sidebar.
  • Set a Gmail Label for wherein it needs to perform the scan, then specify other filters like who the email becomes From or an After and earlier than date range (you want to set as a minimum such filters).save email attachments from Gmail into Google drive
  • Click on download Settings, personalize these as essential, then click on choose Folder to choose a drive folder in which it must keep the attachments.
  • When prepared, click save rule > Run. The add-on will even mechanically run within the back and update as new emails.

You may hold the attachments within the drive. Alternatively, open the drive, right-click on the folder and click on download to keep a local replica. You may then delete the folder from the drive to free up your cloud storage.

Download Extension from here

How to Download Attachments From Multiple Emails in Any Mail Server

Mail Attachment Downloader is an accessible option because it works throughout many email services, like Outlook, Gmail, AOL, Yahoo, or any mail server. It is also free for personal use.

The disadvantage is that there are a few add-ons that you could get within the paid version. This includes being able to practice a couple of filters and download from a couple of accounts concurrently. You can discover a complete contrast on the software’s licensing page.

Note: You will need to enter your mail credentials here. So ensure you have complete trust and make an informed choice.

Let’s see the most straightforward step to extract your attachments from multiple emails.

  • Download the ZIP, extract it, and run the EXE installer within. As soon as mounted, launch Mail Attachment Downloader.
  • Click on Settings. Here you could choose the mail server (whoever presents your email), after which you input the Account and Password. Ensure to read the black bar at the bottom, including essential information.mailbox scan attachments
  • While geared up, click test connection. If it does not work, make sure you have enabled POP/IMAP as essential and that your account call and password are accurate. When you’re right, click Save.
  • If you want the attachments to output to a unique folder, exchange the save area. You can customize this system further via the tabs. For example, on Folder/documents, you may restrict the search to selected folders. On seek, you may define a date range. On Filters, you could specify matters consisting of the sender or problem line.
  • When ready, click on connect and download. It’s going to then save your attachments to the folder you choose.

Download from the official website. The software offers a free version for personal use.

Final words

Downloading multiple attachments from multiple emails should be a feature in all email clients. I use the script to download PDF documents I get from clients every day at the end of the month.  It ensures that I have a copy of all, and I don’t spend time downloading them individually.

I am a Professional SEO writer and strategist. I believe Content is still king . Other than Content Writing, I am in love with Books; Till Date, I have read over 80+ books.


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