How To Find What Version of Windows Do I Have?

The need to know what Windows version we are running is pretty rare. However, when it comes to upgrading your PC or installing a game or software, you might want to know the Windows version for compatibility reasons. So you might be wondering how to find what version of Windows I have?

Well, figuring this out is a pretty straightforward thing. All Windows versions have a few ways to let you know which version you are running.

To help you out, we will be sharing a step-by-step guide with you. So here we go.

How to find what version of windows do i have

How To Find What Version of Windows Do I Have?

In this article, I will talk about two different methods to help you find out your Windows version. The first method would work with any version of Windows you are running. The second one would work with Windows 10 and 11. And these methods are:

  • Winver
  • Windows Settings

Now let me talk about these two methods in brief below:

1]  Winver

How To Find What Version of Windows Do I Have?

It’s a command-line tool available in all Windows versions and opens a popup-up window—About Windows. It reveals the version, Windows version, and so on.

  • Go to the Windows search menu.
  • Type down Winver and click on it.
  • Now you should see an About Windows window. Over here, you will find your Windows version information.

2] Windows Settings

How To Find What Version of Windows Do I Have?

  • First, click on the Windows start menu and go to Settings.
  • From Settings, select System from the sidebar.
  • Scroll down to the bottom and click on About.
  • Over here, you will find a list of all the information about your PC. For instance, Windows edition, version, installed on, OS build, and experience.

That’s it. You now know which Windows version you are running.

What does About Windows Show?

In case if you are wondering what this Edition, Version, and other details stand for. Here is a quick explanation:

  • Edition: This tells you about which edition of Windows you are using. It is Windows 10 or 11. Along with its edition, such as Home, Professional, Enterprise, or Education.
  • Version: This gives you the information about the Windows version you are running. Since Microsoft releases several versions throughout the year through updates, so if you want to ensure that you are using the latest build, this is what you need to check.
  • OS Build: This helps you know the specific operating system build you are running. Also, it gives you sort of a timeline of minor build releases in between the major version number releases.
  • Experience: Microsoft uses the Windows Experience Pack to deliver new feature improvements to your Windows system without releasing a significant Windows featured update.

Is My Windows 32-Bit or 64-Bit?

The best way to find out if you are running Windows 32 bit or 64 bit is to right-click on This PC from your desktop. Then select Properties, and under the System type, you will know the Windows version type.

How To Check If Your PC Has the Latest Version of Windows?

At first, visit the Microsoft Windows release page to know the latest Windows version. Over here, you will find all the release names with their release date.

Then to confirm whether your PC has the latest release or not, go to Settings > System > About, and next to version, you will see the latest release name.

How is Windows Version Important?

Some features and applications run on a specific version of Windows. For example, Group Policy Editor doesn’t work on the Windows Home version but needs Windows Pro or Enterprise. So it is useful if you are in a situation where feature dependency is in the works.

So that was all for your question How to find what version of Windows I have. I hope the above steps will help you find out the Windows version you are running. In case if you get stuck at anything, do let me know through the comments below.