How to Launch a Program with advanced run options with a right-click

At times we need to run programs in a different way than the standard click and launch. Technically it’s launching the program with different options. That is where it is tough, and the easiest way is to create a Windows shortcut. As shortcut allows you to add additional options, it is one of the favorite ways to launch the program. The biggest problem is you cannot have a shortcut with everything. That is where the NirSoft AdvancedRuin Tool comes into the picture. It allows you to add advanced run options from Explorer context menu

How to Launch a Program with Advanced Run Options with a Right-Click

AdvancedRun tool offers “Add to Explorer menu” which can be configured with command-line arguments, start directory, running the program as SYSTEM user, compatibility, environment variables, and more. Once activated, you can right-click on the program or EXE and click on the Advanced Run’ menu item. In the background, it uses Regedit.exe as the program to run the program. The options are stored in the registry, and hence that’s how it is launched.

  • Run the RegEdit of Windows as SYSTEM user on Windows 10
  • Run RegEdit as TrustedInstaller on Windows
  • Run a program with
    • A user of another running process, high-priority, with different PATH environment string,
    • A different PATH environment string, but without modifying the PATH string of the entire system and without using batch files or command prompt window.
    • A full set of environment variables you choose, ignoring the system environment variables completely.

launch program with advanced run options

Once you configured the option, click on Add Explorer menu to add these options. One of the best and most requested options is to run a program with a trusted installer. Also called as Windows Modules Installer service in Windows 10, it allows you to enable installation, removal, and modification of Windows Updates and optional system components. If you have a program that needs to modify system settings you can use this.

I hope the post was easy to follow, and you were able to use the program so as to Launch program advanced Options. Download AdvancedRun tool