How To Log Off A Windows PC? (Multiple Ways)

Logging off your computer when not in use is a useful practice. It allows other users to access your computer when you are not around. Or, if multiple users use a computer, then by logging off a computer, another user will get to log in to their account and start using the PC. But not many know how to log off a Windows PC, especially first-time users. So if the same goes for you, too, then below are the steps to log off Windows.

How To Log Off A Windows PC? (Multiple Ways)

How To Log Off A Windows PC? (Multiple Ways)

There are four different ways to log off a Windows computer. These methods are the:

  1. Log Off From The Start Menu.
  2. Using Quick Access Menu.
  4. Shut Down Windows Menu.

So let’s talk about all of these methods individually:

1]  Log Off From The Start Menu

Log off Windows

Logging off a computer from the start menu is the easiest method available. So go ahead and follow the below steps:

  • Click on the Start menu icon. Or press the Windows key on your keyboard.
  • Then click on the Profile icon from the Start menu.
  • Finally, select Sign out to log off the computer.

2] Using Quick Access Menu

If you wish to use Keyboard shortcuts to log out of your computer, use the Quick access menu. For this, you have to press Windows Key + X to open the Quick Access Menu.

Then press ‘U’ and ‘I’ to log out of your account. Or you can go to Shut down or sign out and select Sign out.

Log Off Start Menu


You can also try out the Ctrl + Alt + Delete key combinations. This one is a very well-known keyboard shortcut for eliminating lagging applications on a Windows computer. But it can also be used for logging out of your computer too.

So press Ctrl + Alt+ Delete simultaneously and click on the Sign out button to log off your computer.

4] Shut Down Windows Menu

Windows Log Off Shutdown Windows

Alt + F4, when on desktop, is also a well-known keyboard shortcut for closing applications or shutting down your computer. Also, this menu can be used for signing out of your computer too.

At first, make sure that you don’t have any unsaved work. Then press ALT + F4 to bring the shutdown menu. Then use the dropdown menu and select Sign-out, and you are good to go.

What Is the Use of Switch User, Log Off, Lock, Sleep & Hibernate Option in Windows?

  • Switch User: It is used when multiple users are using the same computer. It allows one user to log off and another user to take over. At the same time, keeping both of the users active.
  • Log Off: This closes all the programs a user is using and logs him off the computer.
  • Lock: It locks your computer, so other users will not be able to use the system.
  • Sleep: Sleep mode is a power-saving mode. All the actions on your computer will get stopped. Any open documents or apps will be put in RAM.
  • Hibernate Mode: Hibernate Mode is similar to sleep. But it doesn’t save your documents and running apps to your RAM. Instead, it saves them in the HDD making your computer turn off entirely.

What’s the Difference Between Log off and Shut Down?

When you log off, you are simply singing out of your account. And other users will be able to log into the computer using their account. When you shut down your computer, it completely goes off, and no one will be able to use the computer.

Why Should I Log off My Computer?

Logging off the computer helps when you are not around your computer and wish to prevent unauthorized access. Instead of shutting down, you can log off your computer. So no one can access it.

So that was all for how to log off Windows PC. I hope you now know how useful logging off is and how you can log off your computer. In case if you have anything else to ask, do feel free to drop a comment below.