How to Make Windows 10 Start Menu Look like Windows 7 Menu

If you upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10, and find the Start Menu little odd, because of the combination of Live Tiles and the old Start menu, you can always make it look like Windows 7 Start menu. Well Almost.

Why would I ask you to do that? It’s more of a personal choice, and if it’s taking time to get used to Live Tiles, you can try to get rid of temporarily. Personally I don’t like the big layout and would rather like it minimal. So lets start with that.


Resize the Windows 10 Start Menu:

The Start Menu Layout in Windows 10 can be resized. All you need to do is hover your mouse over the edge, and then drag it to resize. However, if you have tiles pinned, you can resize to only an extend, but can make it significantly smaller. Try getting rid of tiles which you don’t need ( right-click and unpin from start menu) or resize.

Unpin Tiles from Start Menu

If this suits you well, keep using it. If not, follow the next step.

Remove Tiles, Resize for Minimal Start Menu:

Now if you want to completely get rod if it, just right click on the tiles one by one and unpin it. Once all of them are removed, you can resize it towards left till you only see the vertical left part which includes File Explorer, Power, All Apps, Settings and most recently used apps along with your profile on top.

Now when you hit the Start button on your keyboard, you will see the almost old looking Start menu. So which one are you going to use? The Minimal Start Menu or the Resized ones? Let us know in the comments below.