How to Make Windows 11 Faster and Improve Performance

Unlike the previous-gen Windows versions, Windows 11 packs a lot of performance enhancements. It is now faster, better, and sleeker. That said, those who upgraded from Windows 10 and are still on old hardware can still face issues. Luckily, there are a few tweaks that can make Windows 11 fast, and about that, I will be talking below.

How to Make Windows 11 Faster and Improve Performance

Make Windows 11 Faster and Improve Performance

Try some of these tips if your PC or Laptop is lagging in performance.

  1. Restart/Update
  2. Turn Off Visual Effects
  3. Switch to Performance Power Plan
  4. Disable Startup Apps
  5. Turn On Storage Sense
  6. Remove Temporary Files
  7. Turn Off Notifications
  8. Remove Bloat and Unnecessary apps
  9. Defragment Hard Disk
  10. RAM/SSD Upgrade
  11. Disable Restartable Apps
  12. Disable VBS

Some of these tips are on the extreme side. You should only do it if you have an issue with a product you are using, and it’s coming in the way. That said, never compromise with security.

1. Restart and Update

One of the first things you should do is look if there is any update available. Updates often improve the system performance also, help you get rid of bugs, and offer you new features. To check updates go to Settings > Windows Update > Check for updates. If there is any update available, install it and see if it worked.

Also, if your PC is already up to date and you have been facing a slow computer for some time, then do consider giving your PC a restart.

2. Turn Off Visual Effects

By default, Windows 11 uses animation effects for elements and controls. However, this can impact the overall performance of your computer. Hence, it is recommended that you disable visual effects. To do so, follow the below steps:

  • Go to Windows 11 Search box and type down Advanced.
  • Launch View Advanced System Settings from the search results.


  • Go to the Advanced tab if not selected already.
  • Click on Settings.

Windows System Properties Performance

  • On the next Window, select Adjust for best performance.
  • Then below that, select Custom and select Show thumbnails instead of icons and Smooth edges of screen fonts.

Change Performance Options Windows

  • Finally, click on Apple > OK.

3. Switch to Performance Power Plan

The power plan is a mixture of hardware and system settings to manage your device’s power consumption.

By default, it is set on the balanced mode. But if you don’t want to care about the battery life and enjoy maximum performance, then you better switch to the High-performance mode by following these steps:

  • Go to Windows search, type down Power plan and launch Edit Power Plan.

Edit Power Plan Windows

  • Click on Choose a Power Plan.
  • On the next window, select High-Performance plan. Also, you can choose the Driver Boosted Power Plan if you are into gaming.
  • In case you cannot find high-performance mode. Then follow the below steps:
  • Click on Change Plan Settings > Change Advanced Power Settings.
  • Then click on Processor Power Management and ensure that the minimum and maximum processor state is 100%.

4. Disable Startup Apps

By disabling start apps, you will make Windows 11 faster and enjoy improved performance. To disable your startup apps, follow the below steps:

  • Go to Windows Start menu > Settings.
  • From the sidebar, select Apps > Startup.

Disable Apps Startup Windows

  • It will now display all the apps enabled for the Startup launch.
  • Toggle off the apps which show high impact and you don’t use them.

5. Turn On Storage Sense

In Windows 10 and 11, we get to see the Storage Sense feature, which automatically frees up drive space for you. It frees up storage by deleting files that you don’t need, like temporary ones. So you can turn on the feature to automatically free up space on your computer and improve the overall performance of your System.

To enable it, follow the below steps:

  • Go to Settings using Win + I
  • Navigate to System> Storage.Storage Sense Settings Windows
  • Click on Storage Sense.
  • Then play around with the settings to schedule a cleaning.
  • Or you can click on the Run Storage Sense now button at the end.

6. Remove Temporary Files

Over a while, a lot of temporary files build up on your computer. Like cache, downloads, thumbnails, update logs, optimization files, temporary internet files, and more.

These temporary files can heavily impact your PC’s performance. Hence, it is recommended that you clean up your temporary files from time to time.

To clean it, you can follow the below steps:

  • Go to Settings > System > Storage.
  • Click on Temporary files.

Remove Temporary Files in Windows

  • Over here, select the files that you don’t want and click on the Remove button located at the top.

Delete Temporary Files in Windows

7. Turn Off Notifications or Reduce it

If you are getting constant notifications on your computer from emails, browser notifications, and others, it uses many system resources, making your PC slow. But you can quickly turn off notifications by following the below steps:

  • Go to Settings using Win + I
  • Navigate to System > Notifications.
  • Now on top, you will see a Notification option. Click on it to disable all the notifications.
  • If you want to disable notifications from specific apps, scroll down and select the apps for which notification should be disabled.

8. Remove Bloat and Unnecessary apps from Windows 11

You can also debloat your Windows 11 system to improve the overall performance. It includes disabling unnecessary system apps that you don’t even use, like OneDrive, Mail app, Cortona, etc.

To debloat Windows 11, you can follow the below steps:

  • Press Windows key + X and launch Windows Terminal (Admin).
  • Then copy and paste this following command on Windows Terminal
iwr -useb|iex

(Wait for your PC to create a restore point).

  • After that, you will see a Window giving you debloat options. Enable or disable the apps you don’t want.

That’s it. You have successfully removed most pre-installed apps on your Windows machine.

9. Defragment Hard Disk (Not for SSD)

As you use your PC over a period of your time, your hard disk can be why you are experiencing slow performance. You can defragment your hard disk using the defragment tool to solve this issue.

However, note that if you are using an SSD, then running the defragment program is not recommended as it will reduce your SSD’s life.

But if you have an HDD, follow the below steps:

  • Go to Windows search, type down Defragment, Optimize Drives, and launch it.
  • After that, select the drive that you want to defrag.
  • Finally, click on the optimize button to continue. 

10. RAM/SSD Upgrade

You can also increase your computer’s RAM to improve the performance of your computer and make it faster. Modern OS has started consuming more memory, and if your PC is old or falling short of the minimum hardware requirement, it would be best to upgrade.

Similarly, you can also switch to an SSD. An SSD offers improved performance and faster boot time. Since SSDs are costly, you can pick a 256 GB SSD and move Windows. The rest can stay on HDD.

11. Disable Restartable Apps

You can also disable restartable apps to make your Windows 11 system faster and smoother. Since Windows 11 restarts some of the background apps which can make your computer slow. So to disable such apps, follow the below steps:

  • Go to Settings and head over to the Accounts section > Sign-in options.
  • Over here, disable the Automatically save my restartable apps and restart them when I sign back in option, and you are done.Disable Restartable Apps Windows

12. Disable VBS

Note: Do this only in a particular case or when you need to test a code.

Virtualization-based security or VBS is a new feature in Windows 11. It protects the operating system from unsafe code and malware. It is part of the HVCI layer. But if the feature is enabled, then the overall performance of your PC drops by 5 to 25%. So to disable the feature, follow these steps:

  • Go to Windows search and look for Core Isolation and launch it.
  • Then disable the Memory Integrity feature.


13. Disable Game Mode

If you are not into gaming, then it is recommended that you disable Game Mode. It will stop DVR and other Xbox-related services in the background. As a result, you will enjoy better performance. To disable it:

  • Go to Settings and head over to Gaming.
  • Navigate to Game Mode and Disable it.

disable gaming mode Windows

So those were some of the best ways to improve the overall performance of Windows 11 and make it faster. Now go ahead and try applying these hacks to your Windows PC and see if it worked for you. Also, for any additional questions, drop a comment below.