How to Move Xbox Gamertag to USB or External Storage Device (Xbox 360)

Xbox 360 has an option that lets you move your Xbox Gamertag or Profile a USB drive or external storage. It comes in handy when you want to play with the same profile on your neighbors Xbox or your cousin Xbox when you are on holiday. The process makes sure that you do not lose any game progress or gamerscore. In this tutorial, we will learn how you can copy your Gamer Tag from an Xbox Device to a storage device. It can be your Xbox 360 Harddisk, USB or any other Harddisk you are using to keep your Xbox games.

How to Move Xbox Gamertag to USB or External Storage Device

Steps to Move Xbox Gamertag to USB or External Storage Device

  1. Turn on your Console and Make sure you are not signed into any profile.
  2. Now go to System Settings  under My Xbox
  3. Plugin your storage device.
  4. Now select Memory and then USB Storage device.
  5. In case this is the first time it is being used you will get the option to Configure and Customize i.e. You  USB will be formatted and make it ready to be used in XBOX.
  6. Now get back to System Settings > Memory and this time choose Memory Unit where your profile is stored.
  7. Go to Gamer Profiles and Select the profile you want to move and choose Move.
  8. Next, you will need to select the Memory Unit you want to move to.
  9. Once you select, all your data will be moved and will no longer be available on your Xbox Console.
  10. Once this process is complete, You will be signed in again to that profile.

Note: This only works on Xbox 360, and is not available on Xbox One. Since Xbox One doesn’t allow you to create an offline profile anymore, all your progress is synced across the Microsoft account.

Things to Remember when moving Xbox Profile

  • Dont worry if you do not have an official storage device from Xbox, Any standard device will work.
  • After your USB is configured, It will get displayed as Memory Unit. The only option to differentiate is according to size or the icon.
  • Make sure you have backed up all your data on your USB if this is the first time you are going to use it with the console.

Video Demo

We hope the tutorial was easy to follow, and you were able to move your Xbox 360 profile with you.