How to Turn Off and Manage Notifications on Xbox One

When playing games on Xbox One, it’s very annoying if you get promoted by new messages or Skype call, and even broadcasts. By default the notifications for most of the things are turned on, and then pop-up on the screen. Quite a distraction here.

In this post, I am sharing how you can turn off notifications either completely, or for apps from which notifications aren’t required. Remember, that the your account on Xbox One will need permission to change it. In case it is restricted, you need to get in touch with primary user who manages it as it can be a guest account.

  • Open Guide by double pressing the guide button on the controller.
  • Navigate to the icon which looks like settings, then choose All settings.
  • Next navigate to Preferences > Notifications

Notifications Control on Xbox One

Turn off Notifications on Xbox One Completely:

Once you are here, there is a check box saying “Show Notifications”. Uncheck it, and all your notifications will be gone.  While this is not the best way to manage, but can be used as an ultimate option. Make sure to turn it back again, when you are done.

Manage Notifications:

If you decided to cut the notifications down, here is what you can do in the same screen. You have options for Skype, Message, Party, Gaming & System and Sign-in broadcasts, Activity Feed, New followers. You have three options for each, except for Sign-in broadcasts.

  • ON
  • Off
  • On, but off during video.

When it comes to Sign-in broadcasts, which tells you when a friend of yours comes online, you can choose All Friends, Favourites only with Video option.There are few notifications which expire with time, and become irrelevant. So you can choose whether to get them listed or only ones you can open.

So those were some quick tips around notifications. Do let us know how you manage notifications on Xbox One, and what is you preferred way. Sound off in the comments section.