How to Save as HTML in Edge on Windows 10 Computer & Mobile

When Microsoft first launched Edge browser, it was a universal app and compared to Internet Explorer; it has lost some of the basic features. One such feature lost in Edge was an option to save a webpage as HTML File. It is useful in many cases, especially when you want to take a look at the script files, images, and how everything is aligned.

Fast forward today, Edge is now a chromium-browser and offers all essential features including the option to save a webpage as HTML. In this post, I will share how you can use an app to save as HTML or follow the old traditional method to save HTML file in Edge.

Save as HTML in Edge

How to Save as HTML in Edge on Windows 10 Computer & Mobile

Using Edge Browser

  • Open the webpage you want to save and wait for it to load completely. You may wish to scroll till the end to make sure.
  • Use Ctrl + S keyboard shortcut to open the save prompt. You will have two options
    • Webpage Complete
    • Webpage HTML only
  • Choose the second option from the dropdown, and navigate to the location where you want to save it.

The difference between the option is that when you choose the complete option, then it will download all scripts as well. The HTML only option only downloads what works with HTML.

Using Save HTML App

Save HTML in Edge

Save HTML in Edge is an app available for both Windows 10 PC and Mobile which allows you to save a web page as HTML file. No, it’s not an extension, but it works via the sharing feature. The experience is similar to how you share any webpage over email or WhatsApp. Once done, the app will automatically download the HTML version of the webpage along with all the required files.

  • Install the app. Open, and make sure to set the destination folder of your choice.
  • Open a webpage, and tap on the three dots.
  • Now select Share, and choose “Save HTML in Edge.”
  • The file is saved in the folder you have selected.

Now go to the folder, and you will see the files saved already. It is possible that some of the files may not download if it’s behind a login screen. While the app is freeware, it comes with an IAP for development support. If you are one of those people who missed this option, IAP of  $0.99 helps.

We hope the instructions, and app was useful, and you were able to save a webpage as HTML using Edge Browser.