How To See All Installed Apps in Windows 11/10?
Windows OS without apps and software is no fun. Whatever you wish to do with your computer requires a dedicated app or software. However, sometimes we install too many apps on our computer that occupy space and don’t have a use. In such a situation, you might want to see all your installed and running apps and may want to remove them. So the question is, how to see all installed apps in Windows 11/10?
How To See All Installed Apps in Windows 11/10?
Below is the list of ways to view installed and running apps in Windows:
Installed apps
- Start Menu
- Settings
- PowerShell
Running Apps – Including background ones
- Alt + Tab
- Task Manager
- Hidden Apps
Now let us talk about these individually below:
1] Start Menu
The start menu is the most straightforward way to see all your installed apps and programs. Just click on the Windows icon from the Taskbar, and you should all your installed apps in alphabetic order in Windows 10.
However, if you are using Windows 11, then you have to click on the Start Menu and go to All apps to see all the installed apps.
2] Settings
If you wish to view programs and uninstall them, then the best way to see all the installed programs is to go to Settings. However, this works with Windows 11 only.
For this, you have to follow the below steps:
- Click on Start Menu and go to Settings (Win + I).
- Click on Apps from the sidebar and select Apps & features.
- Over here, you should get to see a list of all the installed programs on your computer.
Also, if you wish to uninstall any of the programs, click on the three dots icon next to an app and select Uninstall.
3] Windows Terminal
Another way to see all the installed programs on Windows is to query the registry. For this, we will have to use Windows Terminal and run a couple of commands. So follow the below steps:
- Press Windows key + X and select Windows Terminal (Admin).
- Now run the following command to enable running scripts in the prompt if it’s not already enabled.
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
- Next, run the following command to view all the apps installed on your system.
Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion, Publisher, InstallDate | Format-Table –AutoSize
That’s it. Now you will get to see a list of all the installed programs on your computer along with their version number, publisher, and install date.
4] Alt + Tab
If you wish to see what apps are currently running on your computer, you can use the ALT+ TAB command.
To use this, you have to press the ALT + TAB key combination. Next, press the TAB key to rotate between apps and select the app you wish to open.
Even, you can also use the Windows Key + TAB key to view all the apps on one screen and select an app to launch it.
5. Task Manager
We all are familiar with Task Manager. It helps us to kill unresponsive apps. But it can also be used to see what are apps and programs are currently running on our computer. Including the background processes.
For this, you can press CTRL + ALT + DEL key combinations and then select Task Manager. Or you can go to Windows search and type down Task Manager to launch it.
Once you are on Task Manager, click on More Details, and you will be able to see the details of currently running programs, apps, and other processes.
6. Hidden Apps
It can be pretty frustrating when some background app slows down your computer and you cannot find it. In such situations, you can follow the below steps to find such hidden apps:
- Open Task Manager > More Details.
- Click on the Processes tab.
- Under Background processes, you should be all to see all the processes running.
Where Are Apps Stored in Windows 11/10?
By default, Windows installs all the apps in Windows 11/10 or any other versions in the WindowsApps folder located in the Program Files folder. However, by default, it is a hidden folder, and in order to see it, you have to enable the show hidden files option.
How Do I Show All Open Windows on My Desktop?
You can view all the opened Windows by pressing ALT + TAB or Windows Key + Tab key combinations. This will display all the running Windows programs. Plus, you can choose an app and launch it.
How Do I Find Hidden Apps on Windows 11/10?
You can find all the installed and hidden apps on Windows by launching Run using Windows key + R. Then type down shell:AppsFolder and press enter.
So that was all for how to see all installed apps in Windows 11/10. Now go ahead and try the above steps out and see if it works for you. Also, if you get stuck at anything, do let us know through the comments.