How to set App Execution Aliases on Windows 11/10

If you are using Windows 11 or Windows 10, you might come across a small problem while accessing some of the apps using Command Prompt. It happens because, on Windows, apps can declare alias names on their own. Sometimes two different apps end up using the same alias names. When the execution takes place with the same name, there is a possibility of another app opening up in front of you. This guide shares how to set App Execution Aliases on Windows 11/10.

Note: This feature was rolled out with April 2018 Windows 10 Update.

How to set App Execution Aliases on Windows 11/10

While Windows doesn’t offer a way to change the aliases, it does offer a way to choose which apps aliased will work. It allows users to turn on or off the App execution aliases.

In Windows 11

App Execution Aliases

  • Open Windows Settings (Win + I)
  • Navigate to Apps > Apps & features > More Settings > App execution aliases
  • It will reveal the list of apps which hs registered aliases
  • Turn off whichever app is in conflict or doesn’t need it.

In Windows 10

 set App Execution Aliases on Windows 10

  1. Press Windows key + I, and the Settings window will open up.
  2. Click on Apps > Apps & Features > Manage app execution aliases.
  3. Turn on or off the switch on the front of the app’s name to enable or disable the alias mentioned.

The above steps will ensure that whenever an app is executed using Command Prompt by an alias name, the exact app will open up.

Ensure to enable the toggle switch of the app you want to access. Suppose you disable those apps whose names aren’t conflicting with other apps’ alias. In that case, you will end up having “is not recognized as internal or external command, operable program or batch file”.

This procedure is only for accessing the app from Command Prompt, Windows PowerShell, or Windows Terminal. Changes in the above steps won’t affect accessing those apps from the Start Menu or Desktop icon.

How to set an alias in Windows Command Line?

Anyone can use the DOSKEY command to set up a macro name. It acts as a shortcut or alias for the terminal. So if you have a long name to execute or a path, you can use doskey to set up and keep using it through the entire process.

doskey macroName=mylongpath

There are a few drawbacks, such as it cannot be used when you have a pipeline in the command or there is a FOR command.

Ashish Mohta
A die-hard fan of Windows, PC Gaming, and Xbox. He is a seasoned content writer with over 15 years of experience in the industry. He is a specialist in writing about Windows, software reviews, troubleshooting Windows, and automation.


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