How To Show Desktop Icons on Windows 11/10?

Desktop icons are pretty helpful. They give you quick access to your computer, network, or recycle bin. However, by default Windows 11 and Windows 10 don’t come with any desktop icons. Instead, you have to add them through the settings. So the question is how to show desktop icons on Windows 11/10?

Windows 11 comes with some of the cool features that Windows 10 doesn’t have. For instance, you can hide your desktop icons and files instantly. This article will talk about all of these customization options and help you add desktop icons.

How To Show Desktop Icons on Windows 11/10?

How To Show Desktop Icons on Windows 11/10?

Showing desktop icons on Windows 11/10 is extremely easy. You can do so via the personalize settings. Anyway, here are the steps that you have to follow:

  • Go to Windows Start Menu > Settings > Personalization

How To Show Desktop Icons Windows 11/10?

  • Go to Themes > Desktop icon settings.

  • Now select the icons that you would like to show on your desktop.

  • Finally, click on Apply > OK to save the changes.

How to Show, Hide or Resize Desktop Icons in Windows?

Windows 11 comes with some of the most excellent features. One of them is that it allows you to hide your desktop icons and files. To hide your desktop icons, follow these steps:

  • Right-click on your desktop.
  • Go to Views > Show Desktop icons.

Select Desktop Icon Size in Windows

That’s it. It will hide and unhide your desktop icons.

Apart from this, you can also resize your desktop icons. Windows allows you to choose between small, medium, and large desktop icons. However, by default Windows uses medium size. But you can change it by following the below steps:

  • Right-click on your Desktop.
  • Go to Views and select your preferred desktop icon size.

How to Add Icons to the Desktop in Windows?

Apart from adding desktop icons, you can also add other icons to the desktop. For this, you can use the start menu, and here are the steps that you have to follow:

  • Go to Windows Start Menu > All apps.
  • Now search for the app you would like to add to your desktop. Or browse through the list.
  • Right-click on the app and select More > Open file location, and a new File Explorer window will pop up.

Open File Location Desktop Icons

  • Now right-click on the app and select show more options > Send to Desktop (create shortcut).

That’s it. You have successfully added a shortcut to the app onto your desktop.

Why are my desktop icons not showing?

If your desktop icons are not showing, this means you have disabled the feature. Or you have mistakenly deleted the desktop icons. However, you can re-add the icons by going to Settings > Personalization > Themes > Desktop icon settings.

How to Show My Computer on the desktop in Windows?

To add the My Computer or This PC icon on Windows 10, you must go to Settings > Personalization > Themes. From there, click on Related settings and select Desktop icon settings. Finally, select My Computer and click on Apply and OK to save the changes.

Why did my desktop disappear from Windows?

Windows has two built-in modes – Desktop and Tablet. However, when you switch to the Tablet mode, Windows desktop icons will go missing. So do switch back to the desktop mode and see if you spot Windows desktop icons.

So that was all for your question about how to show desktop icons on Windows 11/10. I hope this has answered your query. Now go ahead and try the steps out and see if they are any help to you.