How to Show Hide ‘News and Interests’ Widget on Windows 10 Taskbar?

If you have recently updated your Windows 10 system, you probably have noticed a new ‘News and Interests’ widget on Windows 10 Taskbar. It gives you quick access to the latest news, local weather information, traffic updates, stock updates, and more. While this can be a useful feature to some users, many want to disable it. So the question is how to show hide News and Interests widget on Windows 10 Taskbar?

What is News and Interest Widget on Windows 10?

Show Hide News and Interests Widget

Microsoft has brought a new widget to the Windows 10 taskbar known as the News and Interest widget. It’s a button that appears on the right side of the taskbar.

The widget appears as a weather icon in the taskbar, and when you click on it, you get access to the trending news, stocks, and other information.

Moreover, the news and interest widgets are extremely customizable. As a result, you will be able to personalize it to see the content you are interested in quickly.

How to Customize News and Interest Widget on Windows 10?

The news and interests widget offers you various ways to customize the overall experience. However, you will need to sign in using your Microsoft account to get more personalized content. Anyway, below are the steps that you have to follow to customize the widget:

  • At first, click on the News and Interest widget from the taskbar.
  • Then click on the Manage interests button from the top right.Windows News Interest Taskbar
  • Now your Microsoft Edge browser will get launched, and the My Interests tab will open up.
  • From here, you can select your interests. Such as Technology, politics, sports, money, and others.
  • Also, click on the Followed interests from the sidebar and then search for the news topics you are interested interests News Widget
  • You can also click on Followed Publishers to view a list of publications you follow.

How to Show Hide ‘News and Interests’ Widget on Windows 10 Taskbar?

If you think that the News and interests widget has no use, you can disable it. For this, you have to follow the below steps:

  • At first, right-click on your Windows 10 Task Bar.
  • Then go to News and Interests.
  • Click on the Turn off to disable it completely.

turn off news interests Windows

Also, following the same steps, you will bring the widget back by selecting the Show icon and text or the show icon only option. The show icon and text option will display the weather icon along with the weather temperature. At the same time, the show icon-only option will only display the weather icon.

Overall, I would strongly suggest you go and give a try to the News and Interests Widget on Windows 10. This will help you to have a quick look at the topics that you are more interested in. Also, it helps you to get quick weather updates.

But if you don’t like the feature at all, then you always have the option to disable News and Interests widget on Windows 10 taskbar.