How to Split Screen in Windows 11/10

With ultra-wide and dual-screen monitors becoming common, multitasking is becoming a breeze. If one works with several open windows, he likely spends a lot of time moving among them. At once, there might have several windows open, a web browser to surf the internet, a note-taking application, a mail program to manage email, a couple of applications to perform work, and more. Splitting the screen to manage all of them on screen at the same time could help. In this post, I will guide you on how to split-screen in Windows 10

Split Screen in Windows

How to Split Screen in Windows 11/10

Windows offers a variety of methods to split the screen for various applications. Other than just resizing the windows manually, there are a lot of different techniques, including a few third-party applications, which could help in the task.

  1. Using Snap Assist
  2. Using the Keyboard
  3. AquaSnap – Third-Party Application
  4. Split using Maximize Button (Windows 11)

Apart from the splitting screen, you may also need to adjust the text size in Windows for better clarity. It is specifically beneficial when you have a high-resolution monitor.

1] Using Snap Assist

One of Windows 10’s most significant additions to split-screen functionality is with Snap Assist, which makes it easier for one to select an application window when you are choosing which applications to arrange on your screen in a manner. Here’s how to use it:

  • Choose the window you would like to snap to one half of the screen, then drag it to the edge holding its title bar.
  • While dragging it to the corner, you’ll notice a translucent bar-shaped window appearing on half of the screen. If that’s a good position for you, go ahead and release your mouse button.
  • If there are several windows or applications open, you’ll be presented with several options for what to fill the other half of the screen on snapping your chosen window. Please select one of them, and Windows will automatically do the task.

Additionally, Once you’ve placed all your windows, you can easily resize each one of them by dragging the divider.

How to Turn On/Off  Snap Assist

Use Snap Assist to Split Windows for Multitasking

While Windows usually does have Snap Assist turned on, in case you would like to turn it off or turn it back on, here’s how you can do:

  • Open the Settings Panel on Windows 10 (Win + I)
  • Navigate to System -> Multitasking. Here, under Snap Windows, you’ll find a toggle bar.
  • Toggle it on to turn Snap Assist on or toggle it off for the contrary.

However, there are a variety of options you can explore out by yourself over there.

2] Using the Keyboard to Split Screen in Windows 11/10

Split Screen in Windows using Keyboard

While Snap Assist is easy to use and works perfectly fine, if you would like a faster way to do this using the keyboard, there is a shortcut way to split the windows that’s useful once you get used to the process. Here’s how:

Press the Windows logo key while in an active window and select either the left or right arrow key. It will automatically assign a side of the screen to the Window and split the window over there. One can do the same for a new window, and you’ll find yourself enjoying a split-screen setup in no time.

3] AquaSnap

AquaSnap Windows Multitasking

While Windows’s inbuilt Snap Assist is excellent for beginners, if one would like to customize the grid even more and in a robust manner: AquaSnap, a third-party application, could come in handy. AquaSnap allows users to create and adjust as many split windows as one would require with just a snap and includes a few neat additional tools such as snapping small windows together and more.

While AquaSnap is generally free to download and use, there are premium versions available for it. The free tier offers much of the same features as the premium Professional version, including snapping, docking, stretching, and lots more.

Download AquaSnap for Windows

4] Split using Maximize Button in Windows 11

Splitting the screen with Windows 11 is now super easy. While in Windows 10, we had to use the keyboard and software to split-screen in Windows. In Windows 11, there is a dedicated feature. So let’s quickly go ahead and talk about how to use it.

Before you go ahead, the first thing that you should do is enable the split-screen feature. Although, in Windows 11, the feature is already enabled by default. But it is always a good idea to check if it’s allowed or not.

Enable Snap Assist

The split-screen feature is known as the Snap Windows feature, and you can access it by following these below steps:

  • Click on the Windows Start menu and go to Settings (Win + I)
  • Select System and scroll down to the Multitasking option.
  • Over here, enable the Snap Windows feature if it’s not enabled already.
  • Also, click on the down arrow icon to explore different options. And you can check or uncheck them as per your requirements.

Split Screen Steps in Windows 11

The splitting screen on Windows 11 is straightforward. As it comes with snap layouts integrated into the maximize button for each Window. As a result, there is no need to hold and drag Window to the side. Instead, you can select an existing layout to split your screen.

To use the snap layouts feature to split-screen, you can follow the below steps:

  • At first, open an App or Window that you want to fit into a split screen.
  • Next, you will find different split screen layouts. Click on a layout, and your screen will instantly get split into the layout you have selected.
  • Also, depending on your layout selection, you have to select another app or multiple apps to keep them side by side.

How to Split Screen into Two Sections?

To split your Windows 11 screen into two sections, you have to follow these steps:

  • At first, launch both of the apps that you want to keep side by step.
  • Next, hover the cursor over the maximize button, and it will give you a layout option.
  • Select one of the parts of the first option.

Now, the current app window will cover half of your screen. Also, on the side, you will have the option to launch another app. Select the app, and it will cover the other half of your screen.

This way, you can work on both of the apps simultaneously without any issues. Also, it allows you to resize the screen as per your requirements.

How to Split Screen into Three Sections?

If you want to work on three apps simultaneously, you can split your screen into three sections. For this, you again have to launch all three apps.

Then hover the cursor over the maximize icon in the Window and select one of the sections of the third layout option. And instantly, the current Window will cover your screen area.

Along with that, you will find options to select two more apps. So do that, and you have successfully split your screen into three different parts.

However, in this case, always make sure to choose the app you are going to work on or pay much more attention to the first layout option.

How to Split Screen into Four Sections?

Splitting your screen into four sections is as straightforward as splitting the screen into two or three paragraphs. Just hover to the maximize icon and select the last layout.

However, the four sections layout doesn’t work well with a smaller display as it takes ample space. But if you have a large or wide display, then the four-section split would come in handy.

I hope this post was helpful, and you were able to Split Screen in Windows 11/10. With that said, how many windows do you keep active at a particular point in time? Do let us know by dropping a comment down below.