How to Start an Xbox Live Party Chat from Windows 10 Xbox App

Xbox Live Part is a feature on Xbox One which allows you to chat over microphone, and text on Xbox One. While it works all well , and good, but then its not necessary that you are on Xbox One all the time, and this is where the Xbox App on Windows 10 comes in handy.

  • Launch Xbox App
  • On top right of the app, there should an option which says ” Start a Party beta“. Click on it
  • This will essentially start a party, but you will still need to get some basic things done. Your options are Invite, Mute, Lock the party so its only invite based.
  • You have list of friends who you can invite or send a text
  • Switch to Text Message.
  • Mute people in voice chat

XBox App Party Chat on Windows 10

One thing that is missing right now is Microphone control in the app. This means, you will have to globally control it from your PC microphone configuration.

  • On your system tray, look for a speaker icon. Right click, and select Recording devices.
  • This will open Recording Tab.  Here you can configure your  microphone volume, and test before you start a party chat or when you need to troubleshoot.

Confgure Microphone on Windows 10

Party chat is an incredible feature if you ware playing games with your friends, or just want to spend sometime talking about the game from your PC. And since it is possible to stream your games from Xbox One to PC, it makes a lot of sense.

What is even more exciting about this feature is when PC gamers start playing against Xbox One gamers, and the whole ecosystem boots into one virtual space.