Latest Xbox One Update brings Home Improvements, More Pins, Mixer’s Broadcast Design and More

The recent Xbox One update which sent out trouble to many of the Xbox One users is actually packed in with a lot of improvements, and you will see it even if you get bit by that bug.  Post-Xbox Insiders Program its good to see that the team is listening to the feedback, and rolling out changes. This update is for Insiders for now.

The first new feature is the Arabic and Hebrew language support which many were awaiting. This means you can get right to left languages in the Xbox Settings, but this is being rolled out for Preview Alpha for now. The second change is the PIN which enables Home to have 40 pins instead of just a few. So you pin it all.


The next feature is for Home with two discovery slots to show relevant content and better visual experience. I am guessing Microsoft wants to make sure the adverts look like an advert. This also gives clarity to see your custom background images.

When it comes to Mixer, the tab has been redesigned and includes more info about your account Mixer account including Levels, Sparks, Total Views, and so on. You can now start broadcasting at up to 1080P now, and since Mixer can now check your settings and speed, it will automatically optimize everything for you