Microsoft to bring “F.LUX” like feature in Windows 10 with Redstone 2

Those who spend hours before PC bright screen must had the horrible experience of getting blinded by the light, specially during night or even in early hours of work. This problem can be solved by using a third-party software “F.LUX” which changes the computer brightness based on Sunrise and Sunset making it easy for eyes.

Microsoft seems to be cooking a similar feature in Windows 10 which will be released in an up-coming build of  Redstone 2. So if you have already upgraded to Anniversary Update, and subscribed to Insiders Preview, this feature has made its entrance already, except that it not usable right now.

Blue Light on Windows 10

Revealed by Twitter user: @tfwboredom where he said “Windows.Data.BlueLightReduction Present in 14915, has a Quick Actions toggle, disabled from being accessed in rs_prerelease. Thanks MS”, this feature is available as one of the quick toggle in Windows 10 Action Centre, but disabled for now.

What other options, and customization comes along with it, is not known right now, but it will help you shift to warmer colours in evenings, and ultimately less stress on your eyes. If you read the description of the software f.lux, it says

f.lux makes your computer screen look like the room you’re in, all the time. When the sun sets, it makes your computer look like your indoor lights. In the morning, it makes things look like sunlight again.

We expect Microsoft to deliver something similar, and with added customization inner future or at least with public rollout. We also expect MS to get this on Windows 10 Mobile as well as screen time on phones should be higher compared to PCs.