Microsoft has launched Kaizala, which was showcased sometimes earlier, in India to help business and organizations to get into a system where everything can be managed through Mobile. This mobile only app will get features like Poll, Survey, option to share location, and so on. Here is the complete list of features.
- Announcement – Make key announcements or share updates
- Job – Assign jobs to people and track completion status
- Let’s Meet – Invite people to meetings and confirm their availability status
- Photo with Location – Share a picture with your current location
- Quick Poll – Ask a question and get people’s opinion
- Request Location – Request people to share their location
- Share Location – Share your location with others
- Survey – Ask a series of questions and get people’s opinions
This program comes in two version which includes the Pro. Here is the difference between them:
Microsoft Kaizala | Microsoft Kaizala Pro |
All the benefits of Microsoft Kaizala, plus:
Microsoft Kaizala Pro is available to purchase standalone at a list price of INR 130 per user per month. Current Office 365 customers should contact their Microsoft representative for additional information. Both them have Office 365 integration, but it’s not compulsory have Office 365 subscription to use it, unlike Office Team.
Anant Maheshwari, President, Microsoft India, said:
The Digital India initiative is focused on harnessing technology to help India transform. Microsoft Kaizala, a made for India product, brings together the two disparate worlds of mobile only messaging apps and a digitally integrated modern workplace. The product will make it possible for organizations to interact with everyone both within and outside, seamlessly and with rich content. Microsoft Kaizala has been optimized for 2G networks to enable connectivity in remote locations and offers features with offline support.” said