Microsoft is building an “Adaptive Shell” for PC, Mobile and Xbox One

The vision of “One Windows” has come along nicely since its announcement. We saw how Windows 10 Mobile and Windows 10 PC builds been hand to hand, with almost the same features.

As per the new report, Microsoft is now working on the next step by introducing an ADAPTIVE SHELL, which will work across all device running Windows 10. This is a much-needed step for Microsoft to get Windows 10 on ARM, and also get Windows 10 properly on Xbox One.

Satya Nadella Windows 10 Mobile

If you are still wondering what is Windows Shell, then its the environment that we see, and use on Windows machine. However, every Device has their own shell. Even though Windows 10 PC, and Mobile look all the same, they seem to have their own shell. Xbox One is also powered by Windows 10, but the look and feel is completely different.

Microsoft is working on this next step which will make sure the shell is adaptive as well. So right from the core to shell, everything is same on any machine. It is expected that this new shell will slowly integrate into all the devices in coming updates. I am guessing it’s going to happen only post Creators Update which is due in April 2017.

Microsoft recently got hold on the new patent which is about foldable screen. This means the design has to really adapt well no matter on which device it has. As of now Windows 10 does scale nicely, but the shell isn’t ready to handle any device and any mode. This is one  another reason why Microsoft will need an adaptive shell.

This definitely sounds exciting, but lets wait for Microsoft to actually come out with this, and do this right. We hope they do!

Read more at Windows Central