Microsoft Rolling Out New Build Of Mango To Fix Voicemail and Exchange Issues

Microsoft has started rolling out a new build of Windows Phone Mango for all the WP7 handsets out there. According to WinRumors, the new build – 7740 – is mainly aimed at fixing issues with Microsoft Exchange 2003 and voicemail notification. Many users were getting like 10 Voicemail calls for one call missed and it was thought the problem was with the carrier and replies to exchange mails were not including their original message.

The update is available for non-Mango running WP phones as well. Since this update is cumulative in nature, it will automatically install the Mango update on phones which are still not running the latest version of Windows Phone. The update is mainly for HTC’s WP7 phones.

Microsoft is also investigating complaints about phone freezing issues during Zune music playback on some Mango running HTC handsets.