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Microsoft’s Android App Porting Tool Supports Only These Windows Phone Right Now

During BUILD, in April, Microsoft revealed that popular game Candy Crush was actually an Android Port, and it used Microsoft’s Project Astoria, also called “Project A”, which allows Android developers to bring their apps to Windows without much of problem. During the announcement Myers said that apps which are using Google API will have to replace them with Windows API including the location service.

Today, the developer document of this project as been leaked, and it has a list of devices that are supported right now. This could also mean, that only these devices will support the apps that gets ported from Android to Windows Mobile / Phone in its initial stage. ( Get ready for the app does not support your device messages)

  • Nokia Lumia 920
  • Nokia Lumia 925
  • Nokia Lumia 929 (icon)
  • Nokia Lumia 830
  • Nokia Lumia 930
  • Nokia Lumia 1020
  • Nokia Lumia 1520
  • Nokia Lumia 635
  • Nokia Lumia 730
  • Nokia Lumia 820
  • Nokia Lumia 435
  • Nokia Lumia 928

The tool will need Java, Android Studio or IntelliJ and use ADB to deploy the apps. This means Windows, both PC and Mobile, will have Android RUN time in the system in which these apps will run.  According to WMPU, as of now there is limitation on how many such apps will run, and how many processed they will be able to spawn.

Update : The tool was also leaked, try it on your own here.

Microsoft is bating that end consumers won’t find any difference with such process in place. It will support suspend, resume experience and will make sure that apps don’t slow down the phone.

Project Astoria PICO

Microsoft is also working on open source protect Islandwood which will allow iOS developers to bring apps to Windows Store.  That said, the company will have still push the developers to get their apps to Windows devices, at least for those apps which are on Mobile only, and will be a key to their success to Windows Phone future.

via WMPU |  Project Astoria Documentation

A die-hard fan of Windows, PC Gaming, and Xbox. He is a seasoned content writer with over 15 years of experience in the industry. He is a specialist in writing about Windows, software reviews, troubleshooting Windows, and automation.


  1. Anyone please help after entering wconnect.exe usb i got this error
    The procedure entry point EventSetInformation could not be located the dynamic link library ADVAPI32.dll, what should I do? thank you

  2. I can see that the 1020 is on the list now. I downloaded all the software 2 days ago and I have been getting error 14. But does this mean that if I get the software again I will get an updated version that includes 1020?


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