Notification Mirroring, Universal Dismiss, Rich Action Centre Coming to Windows 10, Mobile, Android

While Microsoft is not pushing very hard into the Mobile side, but having one OS on all platform means that features that gets implemented on Desktop or on Cortana will eventually make its way to Mobile as well. Today, at Build 2016, Microsoft demonstrated some new features that is in works for Windows 10, and it will come available on Mobile and even on Android.

Microsoft is now taking the Action Centre into the cloud. This means, it will also become cross-platform. These features will be first implemented through Cortana, and then get native integration through the OS.

Notification Mirroring:

No more you will have to depend on one device for notifications. Thanks to Cortana, the notifications will roam around devices. So if you have  app notification on Phone, it will also show up on the PC, and you will be able to interact with it.

Universal Notifcation on Windows 10

Users will also have option to opt out from this feature on per app basis.  Useful when you want to make sure you don’t miss something when you switch device. I hope there is a Mark as Unread somewhere.

Windows 10 Universal Notification Opt-out

Universal Dismiss:

When you have multiple devices around, its becomes irritating to dismiss the calendar notification on each, and every device I still hate when birthday reminders pop-up literally on all my devices.  By using a simple code, developers can enable this feature in their apps. So when their apps are used on multiple platforms, they can sync the experience. I am sure the Microsoft will be the first to carry out it in all their native apps.

Rich Action Centre:

Instead of plan boring notification, Microsoft wants to make the action centre more lively. This will allow the action centre  to show images, multimedia content, even inline plays, and so on. You also get options to mute or fin a link to download the application if you don’t have one. This will bring a seamless experience when you have the universal apps in place.

xWindos 10 Richer Action Center

Via WindowsCentral