Opera now has a free built-in VPN in its latest version
If VPN is one service you cannot live without, then Opera is jut what you are looking for. The recent update to their browser, which is now at version 40, now includes a free VPN service which is baked into the browser.
The browsers VPN connects with one of the Opera’s five VPN server located around the world, and gives you online privacy and security which lets you stay anonymous. Opera taunts that internet has become sort of data harvesting place, and this feature will come an essential tool for everyone.
Once installed you will need to enable the VPN by navigating to Settings > Privacy & Security > Enable VPN . You can choose location which is nearest to you or you can let browser select one for you based on the best network speed, latency, location and server capacity.
One thing you should understand that this is not a system wide VPN, its only through the browser, and not your PC. So if you are downloading some off the browser, you are out in open. Also do check if you have network security protocol on your system, and if Opera is actually honouring it.
The recent update also includes new battery saving options, video pop-out improvements, adding RSS support to its existing newsreader feature, and more.
Do let us know if you are actually ditching your existing browser, like Chrome, Edge and start using it instead just because of the inbuilt VPN feature which is absolutely free.