It seems for some unknown technical reason, Windows Phone Mango update is stuck for many Windows Phone, specially in my case who did a reset just 2 days ahead of the update released. Below is what is still happening to me and when looking around in forums, I found I was not alone.
Update : I have got the windows phone mango update now!!!.
I did a hard reset of my Samsung Focus 2 days back and when I connected to Zune Software to get the update series numbered as 7008, 7390, 7392 ( Which I had prior to reset ) and 7403 , the Zune kept saying :
Your Phone is Up to date.
Current phone software version : 7.0 ( 7008 )
I did asked Windows Phone Support Team on twitter about that if you follow the conversations here, It seems the all updates prior to Mango Update Rollout was frozen or turned off for some technical reason.
That story is past day now but even checking today, Zune is still showing me the same “Already Up to Date Story”. Then I decided to check on XDA Forum to see if any body else have this issue and then I found that yes this was the case.
Overall the forum discussion this was going on :
- Few People are stuck on update 7004 and Zune had been showing them “Already Up to date message”
- Some people are having different firmware version and suspecting that an issue. I doubt that though.
- Some People are suspecting that it’s because some phones have chevron unlocked and its causing an issue. I doubt this issue as any update will overwrite all these unlocks.
And Then I followed the Unplug Hack and I was able to get the 7392 Update instantly
- Turn off WiFi and Data connection on your Windows Phone
- Connect it to your computer and launch Zune.
- Next Go to Settings / Update and it should start checking.
- While it’s doing that turn your wi-fi or internet off
- In case it says there is no internet connection you need to try again.
- It should display about the update 7392 as you try.
- Next click on update and this will bring up the Zune Updater
- Turn your WiFi On and make sure you are connected to internet.
- Next Click on Update and follow the wizard to see the update.
- Once the update is complete, Try the above step again to get the next update which is numbered as 7403.
- Once you get that, Your Windows Phone and Zune will both will prompt you for mango update.
Video demo of Unplug to Get 7392 Update after Reset ( Mango In next Video )
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Video Link
Video Demo of Mango update on Reset Phone
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Video Link
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