Many a times you aren’t very happy with a digital purchases, or may be its your kid who bought the app. Either case, to get a refund you always needed to connect with Customer Care to get your refund. Looks like this is going to change at least for Xbox. In an insiders update. I am pretty sure this will cater to all Windows 10 devices.
This is how you can ask for a refund
- Visit and sign-in with the same Microsoft account you have on your Xbox.
- Select Payment & Billing > Order History
- This will list down all your purchases.
- Look for the app for which you want a refund, and then request a refund.
Microsoft has also laid down some rules to make sure the refund is not misused.
- You can only get refund for games which are purchased within 2 hrs of usage of the app and within 2 weeks of purchase. The 2 hours of usage is total of all accounts on that device
- There is no refund for DLC, and season passes
- You have to download, and use the app once before requesting for a refund,
- You can start a refund only after 24 hours.
- Certain Windows 10 apps may not be eligible for self-service refunds.
- Microsoft reserves the right to block access for users who abuse self-service refunds.
It is possible that not all apps will be available for refund through this process. It is best to get in touch of customer service for that.