One of the most awaited app, Spotify App ( Mango Updated ) has finally come to Windows Phone , though I dont see it on Market Place or on Spotify Mobile Page yet but WinRumors team was able to grab the video at the New York Event happening now at the backstage.
If you are not aware, Spotify gives you access to listen to online music with a monthly charge and is available for many platforms both on Desktops and Mobile.
Looking at the video the :
- Home Screen Displays Play List, Play Queue, People and Settings with a big search bar on top of all.
- Next Screen is Whats New which lists all the latest Albums.
- Tapping on Albums gives you list of songs which can be played instantly.
- The Best part is that even if you switch to other app, the song keeps playing and can be controlled using the volume button like you do for Windows Phone Music Player. On the Lock Screen you can see Track Information, Controls etc.
- Offline Mode allows you to listen to music without internet connection.
- Sync Music with your PC or any other device.
What is important to know is that this app is only available for Premium users so the regular users will be disappointed for a while unless they plan something later. Read more at WinRumors
Download from MarketPlace :