How to Stop Windows 10 Installing Updates when You are Working

In Windows 10 Build 14316, a new option is available which now lets you configure when your updates should be installed. A similar option was available prior to this build, but you now have more control over it. Windows Team wants to make sure that no update installation is triggered when its usually a working time for you aka Active Hours.

So we have two options here. First that allows you to define active hours, and second which allows you to temporarily override active hours, and schedule a custom time to finish installing the already downloaded update. The later comes in very handy, when you are on leave or are sure to be engaged somewhere, and won’t need your Windows machine for sometime.

Windows 10 Update Active Hours 3

Go to Settings > Update & Recovery > Windows Update and look for these two options:

Active Hours: 

When you click own this option, a straight forward secure screen shows up. Here you can enter the timing which is usually our work time. For example, if you work from 8 to 5 everyday, you can configure it. Save, and you are done.

Windows 10 Update Active Hours 2

Restart Options:

Going out for sometime, and you have a Update ready to install? Use this option to take over the active hours timing. This option lets you configure Time, and Day of the current month. This fits in multiple ways. Could be a day when you are out or on leave, or have sudden meeting called which you know will extend for at least an hour.

Windows 10 Update Active Hours 1

While the option is handy, I will suggest you to use wisely. Many a times you don’t know when you would want to get on your PC, and if its busy with the update, you will have no option other than to update. Also, you need to make sure that your PC or Laptop is plugged in at that schedule time.

This feature is a part of Build 14316 aka Anniversary Update which is available only for Insiders as of now. It will be rolled out to everybody in Summer. Check out the video below for complete demo:

Ashish Mohta
A die-hard fan of Windows, PC Gaming, and Xbox. He is a seasoned content writer with over 15 years of experience in the industry. He is a specialist in writing about Windows, software reviews, troubleshooting Windows, and automation.


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