Best Tips to Customize Windows 10 Taskbar for productivity

The taskbar is one of the core Windows 10 experiences and is also the place holder for almost every open window. While you can pin apps, keep tons of open windows, its best to know some of the tips to improve productivity. So here are some of the best tips to customize Windows 10 taskbar.

Best Tips to Customize Windows 10 Taskbar for productivity

  1. Pin Apps
  2. Remove Task View Buttons
  3. Disable Search Bar
  4. Disable / Enable Transparency
  5. Increase Space, Reduce Size of Pinned Taskbar
  6. Disable or Select Which Notification Icon Appear
  7. Use Tablet Mode with Taskbar Icons
  8. Quickly Shutdown or Signout

Pin Apps to Taskbar

1] Pin Apps to Taskbar

Right-click on any App on the Start Menu, select More > Pin to Taskbar. It is useful to quickly access apps which you often used. There is no way to drag and drop, though.

2] Remove Task View Button from Taskbar

Remove Task View Windows 10

Task View makes it easier to see and switch quickly between running applications. It also gives you quick access to the Timeline. However, if you do not use it, you can remove it.

Right-click on the taskbar, and look for the option which says “Show Task View Button.” Uncheck, and it will not be visible anymore. However, you can still access Task View using Win + TAB.

3] Remove Search Icon

Disable Search Icon Taskbar Windows 10

Windows 10 doesn’t have a search bar on the taskbar anymore. It has been replaced with a search icon.  When you click on it, it opens a bigger version of the Search. That said, it is much faster to open using WIN + Q. So if you want to remove the search icon, then right-click on the taskbar > Search >Hidden.

4] Disable/Enable Transparency

By default,  Start Screen and Taskbar are transparent. If you want to keep some solid bold color, you can choose to disable it.  Go to Settings > Personalisation > Colours > and turn off transparency effects. You can turn on the color option to match it with the theme. It will give the Taskbar a solid look.

5] Increase Space, Reduce Size of Pinned Taskbar

Right-click on the taskbar, and click on Taskbar Settings. To accommodate more icons and pinned apps, you can toggle off the option “Use small taskbar buttons.”

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6] Disable or Select Which Notification Icon Appear

Taskbar Notification Control

Go to Settings > System > Notifications and Actions. Here you can select which icons appear on the taskbar, and which stays off the chart. You can turn them off completely or also get into advance mode to turn off the banners, and only keep notifications.

To add/remove system icons from taskbar, go to Settings > Personalization > Taskbar > Turn System icons on or off. You can remove icons like the clock, network, power, location, touch keyboard, etc.

7] Use Tablet Mode with Taskbar Icons

When you switch to Tablet mode, the taskbar icons disappear. You can keep them on while turning the tablet mode. Go to Settings > Tablet Mode > toggle off hide app icons option.

8] Quickly Shutdown or Signout

Shutdown Taskbar Windows 10

Right-click on the bottom left around the Start button, and you have tons of options there. The most useful is to select Shutdown to shut down the pc instantly.  The other way round is to choose the Power button on the start screen and choose a power option.

We hope these tips were useful and easy to follow. If there is any productivity tip you use daily, let us know in the comments.