Vine Rolls Out Refreshed App for Windows 10 with New Features
More Power to the Universal Apps! Today Twitter has rolled out a refreshed Universal Windows for Windows 10 and is not available for PCs and Tablets. Vine App is already available for Windows Phone 8.1 devices, and for Windows 10 Mobile it should be a matter of time. It is sarcastic though that Vine didn’t roll out the app on Windows 10 Mobile-first.
The Refreshed Vine App offers:
- Go to Explore to check out channels like Music, Dance, Comedy, and Sports.
- Find out about trends and viral Vines.
- Follow your favorite creators to watch their stories unfold.
- Works without a Vine Account.
- Supports Windows 10 features like Live Tiles, an adaptive UI, and Drag and Drop.
- Pin Favourite Vine channels and accounts to your Start menu.
- If you pin an account, you’ll see a preview of their latest Vines in the Live Tile.
- To share a Vine of your own, either upload or drag and drop videos right from your PC.
- Supports Vine Loop.
That said, if you like taking a quick 6 seconds video, and capture fun around you, Vibe App ok Desktop is going to be fun, and added eating touch. Download the new Vine App for PC and Tablets by following the link below.