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Download WhatsApp Desktop App for Windows 10

WhatsApp has two versions of its Desktop app for Windows 10. One is a regular installer while the other is available as a Microsoft Store app. The former works better and delivers notifications accurately.

Download WhatsApp Desktop App for Windows 10

While using any of the versions, make sure WhatsApp on your phone is connected to the internet. The application only syncs between the phone and the computer and is not a standalone application like the Telegram or Facebook messenger app.

WhatsApp Installer for Windows

  1. Download the EXE based application from here
  2. Run it, and it will get installed. It will be followed by the opening of a small window which will display the QR code
  3. Scan it using the WhatsApp Web option on your phone.
  4. It will instantly load all your WhatsApp conversation and will sync with your phone in real-time.

WhatsApp Microsoft Store version

While it’s not a Universal app as you might think when you hear that WhatsApp now has an app for Windows 10. Not sure about the reason of why not a universal Windows app, but I think they wanted to reach more and more users, hence a desktop app. This app works just like WhatsApp Web, where you have to scan the QR code using your phone, and then it signs you in. To send a message from your PC, you need to have your phone connected to the internet, and your phone should have WhatsApp installed in it.

That said, the app still works very well and kudos to the WhatsApp team for that. WhatsApp coming to the desktop is undoubtedly a great move, but it would be interesting to see how it competes with apps like Viber, Skype, or Line, which are better than WhatsApp in terms of features and are universal Windows apps. You can download WhatsApp for your Windows 10 from the link below.

To download WhatsApp from Microsoft Store, search for it and install it.



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