Windows 10 Creators Update to bring Mobile like Action Centre

Creators Update for Windows 10 is definitely getting lot of features, and improved UI to the OS, Action Center is not going to be an exception.  Marked by the sharp eyes of Sachin, take a look at how the action centre will be post creators update.


Like you can see in the above image, Action centre now includes more Quick options which is similar to what we see on Mobile and also includes master volume, and brightness control.

As of now you only have those big rectangular toggle buttons, but with creators update you will more toggles, and shortcuts. I am pretty sure you will be able to configure them as per your need.

Creators Update is going to be rolled out to Insiders this week, and its coming to public release next year so yeah its pretty long for many.  Do check out our full post on Creators Update here.

If you want to catch it for real, do check out the video below, and pause at 19th second where it makes it appearance for very short time. 

Thanks Sachin.