Windows 10 Store to host Extensions & Plugins for Edge Browser

It’s been long expected from Microsoft to release builds that will finally support extensions for Microsoft Edge, the brand new browser from the company. While the browser definitely works out well, but missing extensions had been a bigger problem to handle. Today, Microsoft has revealed the official page for Microsoft Edge Extension. The page details out few things:

  • As of now there are three extensions officially available from Microsoft that you can try. You still cannot directly download extension from anywhere else and install.
  • You have extensions for Microsoft Translator, Reddit Enhancement Suite, and Mouse Gestures available as of now.
  • In future, Windows Store will become the source of extensions. This rules out the theory where you could download the extension from Chrome store, and install it right away.

Official Landing Page Extension Edge

How to manually install extensions on Microsoft Edge ?

Extension List Microsoft Edge

  1. Download an extension from the official page.
  2. Select Run from the download notification.
  3. Select More (…) and then Extensions.
  4. Select Load extension, choose the extension folder, then Select folder.

Looking at the first image in this post, you can notice how you will get access to extensions rom the browser. You will need to hit the three dots on the browser to show the installed extension, though they will be the first to show up. I expect Microsoft to make them available or let t make user configurable on where it appears.

As of now extensions are available from like a installer, which needs to be manually loaded. Microsoft hasn’t made it clear that which build will support these extension, and when will it roll out. I hope that Microsoft in future may roll out extension for Mobile version as well, if they are catering them via the store. This could be a long-term goal, but if they do, a lot of people are in the queue for using them.

More at the Official Page